Top 10 Most Badass Names
Some names just have an undeniable edge. They command attention, carry a sense of strength, and make an impression the moment you hear them. Maybe they sound cool, bold, or mysterious. Maybe they bring to mind legendary figures, fierce animals, or elements of nature that can't be tamed.This list is all about the most badass names out there. You'll find names that feel powerful, sleek, and maybe even a little dangerous. Some might remind you of fearless warriors, iconic rebels, or characters from action movies and fantasy stories. Others might have a modern, sharp feel that makes them stand out. No matter what kind of badass energy you're looking for, this list has a name that fits.
Ace sounds like the guy who would lead a troop of army renegades into enemy territory and come out unscathed.
This reminds me of a show called Loonatics Unleashed. There's a character named Ace Bunny. He's the leader of his group!
I am Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite name on the Citadel!
Phoenix: a bird that's practically immortal by dying and being reborn. This name symbolizes living forever and getting up after something bad happens. Only a true badass is fierce enough to have this name.
Phoenix is the most badass name, and I use it for everything. All my usernames are Phoenixx223 to the point where when I type Phoenix, that's what it autocorrects to.
I have to admit, though, I think it's better with two Xs.
Phoenix reminds me of Paul Phoenix from the Tekken franchise, especially Tekken 4.
Special name. It has so much meaning. Almost like someone just took "Sky" and "lar" and just shoved them together. I approve.
Totally badass. It sounds nice and sweet with the first part "Sky," then more defined with "lar" added to the end.
I'm gonna name one of my book characters this. It's so badass and cool, and it would be awesome to befriend a dude named Skylar.
OMG, I love this name! So cool! This name fits me so well that it's my nickname everywhere. Everybody calls me Alpha because I take charge when no one else does.
I act like a leader all the time, and most people are terrified of me just because I protect my friends (physically, I will fight you if you hurt my friends or family) and take charge like no one else does.
And get this: all this stuff is true, plus I'm a girl.
I think Alpha is a badass name because 1. It symbolizes leadership. It says, "Hey, I'm the Alpha. You listen to me."
And 2. It indicates that you're the toughest or strongest. Just like Cherno Alpha in Pacific Rim, he's the toughest and strongest Jaeger and the slowest.
I'm a girl, and my name is Hunter. I love it! I think it catches people off guard when I introduce myself. I get a lot of compliments on it.
It's masculine for a guy, but I am a very girly girl, and it's still fitting.
Who wouldn't want to be named Hunter? It's badass, slightly... 'mysterious' isn't the word, but interesting, and it's gender-neutral!
Who says this is only a guy's name? It will one day be incredibly popular for girls.
Tiny Timmy taught Talking Tina to tattle to Thomas Toad to teach Talking Tina how not to make friends ever. Thanks, Timmy, you killed dozens of people. Your curriculum is in need of a drastic change.
I hope that Talking Tina tails Tiny Timmy to Tennessee to Treeborn Tavern to take Tiny Timmy's Teaching Tomes together with Tiny Timmy and burn them all.
Gosh darn cool name, dude. I named my young pig Timmy, and now he is the coolest kid around school. He steals everyone's lunch money, but he doesn't care.
He roundhouse kicked the principal. He has befriended the cool kids and has many hot girlfriends.
Bet Xbox got its name from here!
Unique name. People with this sign are usually really intense, so maybe with a name like that, it'll carry through.
I never thought someone would have put my daughter's name! She and her brother, Star Destroyer 9000, will be thrilled!
I like the name Moon. Not really the unit part, but it's still very nice and unique. Most definitely badass. I dig it.
This is going to be an awesome name for a guy who goes into the army!
One of my friends' name is Jade, and I just love it for two reasons: 1. It's beautiful, and 2. because she is badass!
Fight her, and you will get more than a scratch. You will get a battle wound that will look like you were in World War 2. Definitely a badass name.
I really love the name Jade. It's unique and just sounds badass.
You wouldn't want to mess with a Jade.
Jade West from Victorious is a badass! She should get beaten up, though, for her attitude!
It's badass! Because Key & Peele said so. A A Ron.
The Newcomers
Guys, my friend is called Bella, and she fits this criteria perfectly. She recently went to one of the climate rallies, and just - please vote Bella, everyone!
I dated a girl named Bella. She was pretty badass, and we're still friends.
It means ardent, fiery, and amazing.
This should be at the top because it is my name. That's why it's so cool. So everyone, vote for it. IT IS MY NAME, PEOPLE, THAT MEANS IT'S AWESOME.
Here's what the conversation would be like if someone met a guy (hopefully a guy) named Thor:
Jimmy: Hi, what's your name? My name's Jimmy.
Thor: Hello, my name is Thor.
Jimmy: (drops jaw) What?
Thor: What?
Jimmy: I love Thor.
Thor: Uh...
Jimmy: Are you an actor? Are you THE Thor? But you seem young to play such a big part.
Thor: Uh, I hear my agent calling. I better go! (runs away)
Jimmy: (dramatically walks as Thor goes to his mom) Wait, take me with you! (walks back sadly thinking he met THE Thor)
The End!
Well, this should be top. I'm born Arabic, and (Thor) means bull in Arabic. If you want to name your baby son (Thor), don't do it!
I'm just warning you, but if you don't want to listen to me, you will see how some mean Arab people are going to laugh.
I have a student who is named Alexandra. We call her Ale for short, and it is a very nice name for a niece or something.
I recently used this as a character's name in my book!
Awesome name, no questions asked!
This just screams baddy, love it!
I just love neon colors, especially neon blue. Imagine a kid named Neon who wears neon and black all the time?
My niece's name is Neon! And she is badass, just like her name! I wish my name was Neon...
One to surely light up the night with charm.
This actually sounds really cool, but I think it means little Alexandra.
If you think about it, it's actually a great character name. But I wouldn't really want to call my future child Jinx...
I will use this for stuff that might help me in the future, so thank you!
Because that's the name of my favorite character from a game.
Alice rhymes with malice, so that would be pretty cool if there was a woman named "Alice Malice" or a grunge punk band with that name.
Alice Bell, main character in Alice in Zombieland, White Rabbit Chronicles, is a huge badass.
Rock on! Alice Cooper and Alice in Chains all the way!
I love this name so much. I think dragons are really cool, especially when they breathe fire. I'm sad they went extinct.
Wish my name was Dragon, but I might be biased because I love dragons.
I prefer the Welsh "Draig" (pronounced Dr eye g), which translates to Dragon.
A fox represents mischief, opportunity, playfulness, agility, cleverness, wisdom, beauty, luck, curiosity, cunningness, charm, and physical and mental responsiveness. Who wouldn't want that as a name!
My friend's nickname is Fox. I prefer it more as a nickname than a real name just because I can't picture in my head a badass person named Fox. But nicknamed Fox would definitely work.
All I can think of is how badass Fox Alistair is right now.
There is a folklore that there was a deity and guardian of Britain called Bran the Blessed, who had his own head cut off just so it could speak words of prophecy.
Guess what his name meant? Raven. Guess what his totem was? Raven. Not to mention it's just a mysterious and badass name.
Very pretty name. Considering naming my child this because 1. It's badass, 2. It's beautiful, and 3. just to keep the bird names going through the family.
Because my name's Phoenix, which is a bird, and so is Raven. I really like this name.
I feel like Miztique would be a really cool, badass drag queen.
Dante is a name that just sounds awesome, has badass characters wielding that same name, and is a name that is just dripping with class.
Ever hear of Dante's Inferno? How cool does that sound? Inherently cool name.
Like the scholar, Dante Alighieri? The one who wrote the Divine Comedy? This name is, hands down, badass.
So cool, because when I think badass, I think Hades from Kid Icarus Uprising.