Reasons Why Dillon the Hacker is Better Than Pewdiepie

Dillon the Hacker is a much better user than Pewdiepie and here's why.
The Top Ten
1 He Makes Better Videos

His videos are really lame Pewdiepie is so much better than him.

2 He's Funnier
3 He Has Better Gaming Taste
4 He's a Better Gamer
5 His Titles and Thumbnails Aren't Misleading Unlike Pewdiepie
6 He Has Better Content
7 He's Less Boring
8 He's a Way Better Critic

If none of you understand, his videos are SATIRE. So he's no critic at all and both the person who made this list and anyone responding to it is basically making a fool of themselves due to the fact that he doesn't actually hate Pewdiepie. Thus, no one is better. They are both good in their own ways. And now that he's gone, we may never get humor like this again.

9 He's More Enjoyable
10 He is Not Traumatized by Bridges
The Contenders
11 He Supports T-Series
12 He Doesn't Swear Too Much
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