Reasons Why Keemstar is Awful

WHY AM I STILL BEING HATED ON!, KillerKeemstar 2020
The Top Ten
1 He's racist

Keemstar as a person sucks. He used to be racist and a douchebag. Now I just watch him just because I'm in for all the Youtube Drama. Not for him though.

Saying the n word does not make you racist. Alex deserved to be called that. He was calling Keemstar a white trash w word and other slurs.

I strongly agree with this being number 1. Racism is bad

Alex is better than Keemstar.

2 He's not funny
3 He's rude to people
4 His content is generic

I only watch it because I want to know what happens in Youtube.

5 #dramaalert is useless
6 His twitter is horrid

Don't get me started on his twitter

7 He hacks other YouTubers
8 He is hypersensitive
9 He gets into many feuds
10 He accused a 62 year old of being a pedo

How is this not on here? , him calling alex the n word, this, and the other things gradeAunderA and Idubbbz said are the reason he is hated

The Contenders
11 He gets very low acclaim
12 He leaked pyrocynical's face

In July 2016 keem went on Pyro's private Instagram and Facebook and leaked his face

Which was a bad thing

13 He doesn't research the news

At least Scarce does. Keemstar will find a tiny piece of information and blow it up to something huge using assumptions and misquotations. For instance, the Scarce is gay video.

14 He is biased
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