Reasons Why Kids Cannot Watch YouTube Poops

The Top Ten
1 YouTube Poop has a lot of content not made for kids.

I'm a teen 13 & those Protegent YTPs that I watched couldn't make me stop laughing but I didn't know when looking into those were not suitable for younger children.

Salad Fingers Hijacks a Radio Station made me laugh so hard! Not for kids, though!

2 They are too young to understand what is happening in the videos.
3 Some of the videos have sex in them.
4 Some of the videos have drugs in them.
5 The videos have swears in them.
6 Age-Restricted
7 It would ruin the way they see cartoons.
8 They would repeat the same curse words.
9 Children innocence should be protected.
10 It would change the way kids see the world

I bet It'll change kids where they'll not see the end of the world.

The Contenders
11 They're seizure inducing
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