Top Ten Reasons Why People Should Stop Hating on Christians

so i read the list " Top Ten Reasons To Hate Christian ' and i found that list offensive and i am also a christian everybody should respect Christians Atheists
The Top Ten
1 It's just a belief

I am a Christian. But I don't get offended by other peoples beliefs. Everyone has their own opinion. Don't try to change their opinion! You believe whatever you want to believe, and let Christians believe what they believe!

2 Not all Christians disrespect other religions
3 We are people too
4 Not all Christians are religious
5 We can be your friend
6 We don't hate Muslims

We don't, only certain Muslims who actually hunt down Christians

I know but some people think all Muslims are bad

7 We don't hate atheists
8 Some Christians like metal music

Demon Hunter for the win!

9 Some Christians are kind
10 We don't think non Christians are devil's spawn
The Contenders
11 It's pointless
12 Because we don't want to hate Justin Bieber anymore
13 Christians started hospitals
14 Christians do charity work
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