Top Ten Reasons Why Pink Sheep is Not Awesome

The Top Ten
1 He makes fun of Purple Shep

For all you kids posting HATER ALERT, stop, get rid of your cancer, and just call it a day. Purple Shep is abused, which is obvious, and Pink Sheep deserves to be arrested.

They both dummies


O gOLly puRRPLE shEP Is bETTEr thaN piNK SHeEP

2 He uses the word "Swag" in his sentences
3 He doesn't accept defeat
4 He can't count up to 43

He could actually count to 43 but couldn't count higher.

5 He keeps talking about his mustache
6 He calls a lot of people "haters"

I used to watch a lot of Pink Sheep videos back in the summer of 2017, and I actually thought that was funny.

7 There are too many pink sheep
8 He eats too many Doritos and Mountain Dew

Basically every Pink Sheep video I remember mentioned Doritos and Mountain Dew.

9 He's a liar

I really hate his excuses, what I mean is, when he fails at something, he makes a dumb excuse like saying his mustache was distracted by something, his elbow hairs not being trimmed, or something dumb like that. And when someone tells him that, he lies again by saying he DOES tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. And when he says he was at or in something, he just takes a photo and slaps his face on a character. I like him, but I just can't stand his lies.

Just because you're over 500 years old, Pink Sheep, your mustache can't talk or give you the ability to fly. You're just lying about that to make you feel special. The living past 500 thing doesn't make you feel special. The Ender Dragon probably lived that long. Adam from the Bible lived to 930. God is immortal. You're not special at all, you lie to feel special, but the truth is you're not. I can't see how Purple Shep, who barely lies and is 1000x smarter than you, idolizes you.

Nice guy. But I hate it when he lies. He pretends to be in an event and he just photoshops his face onto things. When he loses something (a game probably) he says his moustache was distracted. And he says that his moustache is smart. Moustaches do not have a life. Nice + Lies + Everything else = PinkSheep.

He lied to me when he say doritos are healthy

10 He's in the Villains Wiki

That wiki just takes everything that is living and say that IT is a "villian" Pink sheep should be in heroes wiki

The Contenders
11 He only likes Minecraft builds if they look like him or his mustache
12 He uses clickbait

Urgh, You have no idea how many times I've fallen for clickbait on Roblox.

13 His fan base is rabid

NEVER EVER EVER go onto Creative Blue.

14 He Bullies ExplodingTNT
15 He has a robot voice
16 He left the Ender Dragon for Crystal Sheep
17 He's not quite funny

His Pink Sheep funny moments aren't even funny. He also thinks he's "very MLG" or a "pro" or the like even when he fails a game.

I used to actually like his videos, but now I only watch them to make fun of how stupid he is.

18 He is a hypocrite

He disowns PurpleShep for being ugly but he hangs out with an extremely ugly noob (Altrive) himself!

19 He Bullies People Because of How They Look.

Once Pink Sheep made fun of a Robloxian because he had a red face. If that guy thinks he looks good, then I say let him look that way.
MORE than once, Pink Sheep called Purple Shep, his BIOLOGICAL SON, UGLY. Pink Sheep, you're a grreeeattt father. (SARCASM)
Once I was 7, no, 10 years old, when I used to like you in videos. But now, I have one thing to say.

Me: Pink Sheep?
Pink Sheep: What do you want hater, I'm busy being fabulous.
Me: Go screw yourself.

I hope he listens.

20 He plays Roblox

Pink sheep is awesome

21 His music is lame
22 He makes unfair bets with ExplodingTNT
23 He is so cringe
24 He bullies people who are good at school

School is good kids!

25 He's So Stupid!

Despite being over 500 years old, Pink Sheep can't count past 43 or learn that HE is responsible for what he does, not his mustache.

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