Top Ten Reasons Why Smg4 is Better Than Super Mario Logan

The Top Ten
1 Way Better Characters
2 Less Cringeworthy
3 Smg4 Makes Funnier Content

I love them both ;-;

4 Smg4's Version of Mario is Better Than SML'S Version of Mario

SML Mario is a jerk, I hate him a lot, not as much as Jeffy or Cody, SMG4 Mario is Funnier.

5 SML Puts Jeffy All Over His Channel. Smg4 Doesn't Over Promote His Characters

I find both SML and SMG4 to be funny in their own ways, but SMG4 I have to give credit for, while adding in a lot of useless characters in general in recent years, never puts them into the spotlight and/or have them take over the show. Also, at least with SMG4 the new characters aren't plain annoying, just a little bland and painfully pointless. Did Saiko have to become a recurring character? Did Fishy Boopkins? Or Shroomy? No? You are correct if you answered no. At least he doesn't use spoiled and retarded children to get more views.

SML overuses a retarded kid to promote his content. SMG4 produces quality content that doesn't offend anyone.

Every character gets their chance in the spotlight

Totally true

6 SMG4 has better episode plots
7 Smg4 Uses Memes in a Better Way
8 SMG4 doesn't use the same characters

, it's either a Jeffy, Bowser Junior video, and maybe sometimes Woody (barely) which always consist of Jeffy videos: Jeffy, Mario, Brooklyn T. Guy, Jackie chu, sometimes Bully Bill. Bowser junior: Bowser Junior, Cody, Joseph, Chef Pee Pee, (sometimes Bowser) Tyrone Nutkiss, Judy Nutkiss, Brooklyn T. Guy and Jackie chu. You get my drift. Smg4 at least uses different characters and sometimes makes new ones. Sml's has been her since 2013! And 2015

9 SFM Films are Better Than Puppets
10 SML is Predictable
The Contenders
11 Not as Overrated

Not underrated at all

12 Logan is Unlikeable but Luke is Likeable.
13 Bob is way funnier than Jeffy
14 SMG4 is Blue
15 Jeffy is annoying SMG4 Mario Is Not
16 Randomness is Funnier Than What SML Uses for Humor
17 SMG4 isn't annoying
18 SMG4's worst characters are much better than Sml's worst characters
19 SML Makes Mr. Goodman a Bad Character While SMG4 Doesn’t Change His Characters
20 Fishy Boopkins is more likable than Jeffy
21 Tari is more likable than Rosalina
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