Most Annoying Things About Being the Odd One Out In a Circle of Friends
Although having lots of friends can be great, it can be really annoying, especially if you are considered 'different' from the others. Here are some of the most annoying things about being the odd one in a circle of friends!I'm best friends with one of them, but the others don't usually care if I'm there.
They always seem annoyingly close.
So true. This and #2 sum up my friendship with others at my school.
I was near them, but they never said anything to me, just to each other and others.
The others seem to know something all the time, and they will never tell you.
That's exactly how I get treated because my friends are idiots!
My friends had a group, or as they call it, their "squad" (it was only like four people). They said I couldn't join unless I had an Xbox One. My friend joined the squad, so I was down to one friend. I'm not saying I hate them. In fact, the squad was basically my whole friend group trying to act cool. Ever since the leader of the squad (also my best friend) left the school, the squad was no more. We still talk.
Designer clothes, social media... if you don't have something and all your friends seem to, you feel left out when they talk about it.
They gossip about shows you don't watch and won't explain.
I don't like Gravity Falls, and yet my crush in school loves it. I once joked about hating it, and she nearly got triggered.
My friends watch some show named PLL, and they won't stop talking about it. They never talk about the shows I like.
They always seem to believe what someone else says, even if they are obviously lying.
They whisper about things and refuse to tell you.
They still see me as a friend, but they always say, "Oh, sorry, we don't have any room on the team."
You are given the worst roles in games.
Personal experience:
I was always the odd one out of six friends. Being the tallest, I tend to slouch a lot just to be nicer to them. Being the one who keeps silent almost 90% of the time (add the earphones), I tend to have a fear of being made fun of. Having "weird" (ahem, Guns 'n Roses and the like) taste in music, I get made fun of. Three of those friends call me a wannabe just because of that. They keep pestering me to do their dirty work and be their scapegoat, even though I almost lost my whole arm once because of it.
One time, when I moved to a new school, I saw my friends ogling over someone else. When I informed my two closest friends that I was visiting, the other three didn't care. Those two literally ambushed me with hugs as soon as I stepped foot in the school, but that was the last time I walked into that school.
A few weeks later, I came back with first honors for the first quarter and decided to greet my friends. I found out I had been kicked out of the group chat, along with those two friends. Why? Another friend was hailed the "new" artist of the group, even though her drawings (shhh) are not great. She kicked me out because she thought I was trying to overshadow her with so-called crab mentality. Being drama queens, they never gave me a second chance to apologize, even though I never did anything.
The benefit is, karma hit them. That's all. But I still don't feel complete without those idiots...
I hate partner work because in a group of five friends, I sometimes feel left out. They all divide into best friends and chit-chat with each other first before the group. I don't want any of the others to be alone, so I usually wait for them all to ask, which clearly doesn't help me out in the situation.
You dread partner work because you are never chosen by anyone.
At school, when we are told to get into partners, I come up to the nice people and offer to be partners with them. They just say, Sorry, I already have a partner. I end up with the weird kid, Ben.
They gossip about you and pretend they aren't if you ask them, even though you know they are.
The Newcomers
My friends all follow fads. I hate fads when they come around, so I ditched them.