Top Ten Things Your Parents Don't Want You to Know

Everyone alive has, or at one time had, parents. Chances are that when they had their kids, their lives changes forever, probably not for the better. Sure they tell you they love you and that you were an angel or a blessing, but in reality, the first words out of their mouths when you were born were probably a little different.

Below are the top ten things that your parents don't want you to know - either about you, your siblings, or life in general.
The Top Ten
Your parents have sex when you aren't around

Whether you're asleep, staying at a friend's house, or just down the street at the store for 30 minutes, your parents have utilized that opportunity to have sex. Next time they send you out on an errand or say that yes, you can stay at your friend's house for the night, know that they are at least considering what to do with their privacy.

I don't want to believe that's true, but it's gotta be true...

Your parents considered abortion at least once instead of having you

My mom really wanted another kid, but my dad didn't. He actually tried to have an abortion. If they had gone through with it, I wouldn't have existed. My mom begged and pleaded to have another child (which is me), until my dad said, "Okay, one more kid." The next day, my mom was at the hospital. She was awake while they cut open her belly and got stitches, and out popped baby me! Unexpectedly, my dad ended up loving me anyway.

Seriously, what are the "worries" that will be put into children's minds? That their parents will invent a time machine, travel to the past, terminate their pregnancy, and live happily ever after?

Regardless, even if "abortion" isn't the best choice of words, the point remains the same. Parents daydream about what their lives would be like without some or all of their children. It doesn't mean they'd prefer that life, just means they've thought about it.

Other kids are smarter, kinder, and better looking than you

Not every child can be the brightest bulb, and your parents know it. They spent the first few years of your life convinced that you were going to graduate from Harvard at the top of your class, but by now they know otherwise.

It is a true fact. No matter how good you are, there's always a bigger fish.

Yeah, I feel inferior to others sometimes.

Your opportunities in life are limited

You probably won't be president, prime minister, or an astronaut. But you can still get off your lazy behind and pull your own weight, plus have a bit extra to help those who really do need it.

Always be ready to help the helpless, but not the clueless.

For all of the "you can be anything you want to be" speeches, just know that your parents have a pretty good understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. They probably know exactly what you can and cannot become in life.

A billion kids are told they can all be the first person to set foot on Mars. One billion minus one will be disappointed.

Rated R movies are realistic

It makes sense for a parent to censor adult and inappropriate media from their children, but that severely limits what children can learn from it. When I am a parent, I would take time to understand and judge how my kids will react to something before showing it. My parents were too reliant on the number on the case.

Movies that are rated R tend to cover more problems in real life, such as abuse or drugs. Rated G and PG movies almost never cover these things. It's annoying when parents try to sugarcoat life for their children because those kids will get a rude awakening by the real world (and I know for a fact I will, too).

Your parents don't know the answers to many of your questions

Rarely does a parent admit that they do not know the answer to your question. It's all part of the power struggle. In reality, unless you ask a question that can be answered through life experience, there's a good chance you, or your Googling abilities, know more than they do.

My parents actually know the answers to a lot of questions that I ask. They just play dumb so that I will either look it up or figure out the answer myself.

I think that my parents are probably playing dumb to make me look up the answers myself.

They love your sibling more than you

I personally get this feeling coming from my brothers the most because I am the most loved, and everyone knows it. Even though I hate being in the spotlight, it doesn't necessarily help when you know you're the most loved, and your brothers know it too. I try to help them and get my mom to get things for them, not just for me.

To those wishing they could be loved more than their sibling(s), listen to me because it's not easy being the "oldest, responsible, smart" girl in a family of boys without being the most loved from the day you were born. Even if I mess up, it won't go away. It's a nice feeling to be loved, but I want to share it with my brothers too.

Their health isn't as good as they lead you to believe

As people age, health issues go beyond minor aches and pains. Cancers, arthritis, allergies, etc. Your parents have more going on than they are telling you.

"I don't actually have to be qualified to be a dad. I just have to trick this baby into thinking I'm qualified to be a dad." - John Green, New York Times Bestselling Author.

Physical health is not the only type of health. Sometimes their mental health isn't as good either, and that can affect the kids too.

Your parents hate driving

Not only do they resent having to bring your lazy self everywhere, but they are also getting older, and traffic is getting faster, which scares them. Think about driving them around for once, or walk instead of asking them to be your chauffeur.

Your parents get scared too

No matter how old you are, you can freak yourself out between turning off the lights and getting into bed. They might not play the same games or watch the same shows as you, but they still get scared during a movie.

This one's obvious if you have overprotective parents like mine.

My mom won't let me watch horror movies or paranormal shows at night.

The Newcomers

? You could have a step sibling
? Someone else is your real father or mother
The Contenders
Your parents aren't actually the best people in the world
One or both of your parents had bad secrets in their past.

My parents were apparently the bad kids when they were young.

My mom's dad inflicted harsh and brutal punishments on her, my aunts, and uncles throughout their childhood.

They use drugs

So, I once had to use my mom and dad's bathroom, and I saw this towel covering a box. What I found were cigar boxes and weed. They had told me they stopped smoking when I was little, so... yeah.

I caught my dad smoking way too many times.

Santa Claus isn't real

I didn't find this out until I was 11, when I found their presents in the office with a big tag saying "To: Joshua, From: Santa." I was disappointed, but at least I experienced the truth.

They are the ones that give presents to you on Christmas

Yeah... "Santa" can be one of many things.

Your parents have sex toys
Your parents have sex when they take showers
They have a favorite child
You are not the strongest kid in the world

My aunt told my cousin this, and he believed her until I wrestled with him.

They lose on purpose to make you feel better
They sometimes wish they never had kids
They're stressed and exhausted
You are not the only child
Some kids cartoons contain innuendo
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