Top 10 Christian Martyrs

The Top Ten
St. Agnes of Rome St. Agnes was around 12 or 13 years of age, when she was arrested for being a Christian. She was very beautiful and also very rich, so many young men in Rome wanted to marry her. But, she had taken a vow of Consecrated Virginity, and thereby, claimed Christ as her Spouse. For this, she had been arrested... read more

She chose to die rather than betray her faith in Christ.

Bride of Our Lord Jesus Christ, pray for us. Amen.

St. Peter the Apostle

His death was in a satanic way. I am not accusing St. Peter of Satanism. I mean, Satanists use the position of the way he died for their symbol. How vain they are, putting a bad name on St. Peter.

The first Pope was crucified upside down because he said he was unworthy to die the same death as Christ.

I believe in Christ and choose to always, even if it costs my life!

St. Steven

Paul was in attendance. Satan wanted a do-over!

St. Catherine of Alexandria Highly educated young lady of Alexandria Egypt, who was martyred under Emperor Maxentius. Catherine was one of the Saints whom Joan of Arc claimed had commanded her to save France from the onslaughts of the British. Her Feast Day is November 25'Th.

I really enjoy learning about the martyrs! Not in a gross or bad way, but in a way, I just can't explain. Their bravery and guts to die for Christ, ah! It's amazing! I have done a lot of research on a good amount of martyrs, but St. Catherine has always been one of my favorites!

The greatest female martyr of Christianity. Extraordinary purity and holiness. The second greatest being St. Barbara.

Highly educated young woman of Alexandria who was tortured with a wheel before finally being killed.

St. John the Baptist

Was beheaded by Herod Antipas because his wife tricked him by getting her daughter, Salome, to dance at his birthday feast.

St. Maximilian Kolbe

Priest who was sent to Auschwitz Death Camp, volunteered to be executed by needle in place of another prisoner.

Inspirational figure. Agape love in action.

St. Joan of Arc Joan of Arc, nicknamed "The Maid of Orléans", is considered a heroine of France for her role during the Lancastrian phase of the Hundred Years' War, and was canonized as a Roman Catholic saint... read more

She burned alive because she refused to recant her faith. She suffered a horrible, slow death, all for the glory of God. She was an amazing woman.

She mostly died for France but she also had a strong belief in God.

The Holy Innocents

The children of Bethlehem who were killed by Herod the Great in his diabolical scheme to kill the Christ Child.

St. Maria Goretti St. Maria Goretti is an Italian virgin-martyr of the Catholic Church, and one of the youngest canonized saints.

She lived on a farm, in Nettuno Italy, in the beginning of the 20th Century. Her father died of Malaria, so she had to help her widowed mother take care of her younger siblings, while... read more

Was stabbed to death while standing up to a rapist and warning him that he was committing a serious sin against God.

St. Thomas More

Was beheaded for refusing to recognize Henry VI's break away from the Catholic Church.

The Newcomers

? Saint Sebastian
? Joan of Arc Joan of Arc, nicknamed "The Maid of Orléans", is considered a heroine of France for her role during the Lancastrian phase of the Hundred Years' War, and was canonized as a Roman Catholic saint... read more
The Contenders
St. Jean Brebeauf

Jesuit priest who was killed in the New World for preaching in the Name of Christ.

Oscar Romero
St. Paul the Apostle Paul the Apostle, commonly known as Saint Paul, and also known by his native name Saul of Tarsus was an apostle who taught the gospel of the Christ to the 1st-century world.
Jim Elliot and His Companions

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. These words were memorialized by these brave men who died willingly, walked into danger, and ultimately gave their lives in the service of Christ. They gave what they could not keep, and as a result, many more gained what they could not lose. They are heroes, indeed.

I heard this quote from Jim Elliot years ago and it became one of my favorites. He gave up a life of athletic stardom to serve the only true living God - the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob - the God of Israel! Amen.

St. Thecla

The first female to be martyred for Christ's sake - the female equivalent of St. Stephen. Her martyrdom took place in Maaloula, Syria where there is still a steady flow of pilgrims who come to imbibe the spiritual atmosphere. A steady trickle of water emanates from the very place where she disappeared. Local legend has it that the mountain opened miraculously to protect Thecla from her persecutors.

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