Most Destructive Religions of the World

The Top Ten
1 Islam

They say that all Muslims are kind hearted and friendly people. I agreed with this for a long time until I learned about Islamic history. I can say as an observer that Islam is an extremely destructive religion that demands allegiance and punishes members of other religions and ethnic groups.

The things Islam has done throughout history are gravely concerning; the killing of Christians and invading neighbouring countries in their so called 'Jihad', killing Buddhists and destroying their beautiful monuments (those giant carved statues in Afghanistan that Muslims are destroying) and of course, the attacks on the modern world. I could go on but I won't due to this post being too long.

I will however conclude that although Muslims seem like nice people, their religion certainly isn't and I for one simply don't trust them and never will after recent events. Sorry about that.

2 Catholicism

Why is there not a Christian option?

Christians love feeling superior! Christian just love to leave their phony money tracts instead of tips in restaurants while the employees slave for them. Christians LOVE money! Evangelists also like to steal money from innocent poor people so that they can become wealthy. Christians love passing judgment! Evidently the priests also are keen to having sex with children and male prostitutes while condemning homosexual "heathens".

Christianity is the most arrogant self aggrandizing religion ever to corrupt mankind. There is no limits to the destructive fallacies and hateful ignorance inherent in this religion. This religion persecutes non-Christians through it's endless practice of proselytizing brainwash while playing a victim every chance they can get and then asking for another handout. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but Systematic Abuse of Children is quite another story all together.

3 Westboro Baptist

Although I strongly disagree with the lies and hatred this group spreads, I still wouldn't call them murderers.

Idiots and bigots that go against the teaching they claim to follow. however it's no different than so many other fanatics and extremist. which is all they are, extremist. the teach hate and so it is from god or gods will and they follow the bible. but you can't follow a religion that is supposed to be about love and forgiveness and the like and then teach hate. if god is real then I'm sure he/she is pretty pissed at them. like so many others from judaism and the judaic religions (Jews, Christians {including catholics}, and Muslims. all practicing a faith that teaches love, but through out history have warred with all different faiths. even and mostly against each other.

4 Satanism

This evil fake religion doesn't deserve to exist. Its mere existence perfectly shows that there are evil people in the world. In fact, they don't even deserve to be called "people" because they worship the Devil. They are depraved wicked sinful subhuman monsters who want to spread evil around the world. They love Satan and hate God. Satanism is without a doubt the worst religion EVER. People hate on atheists because they worship no god even calling them devil worshippers, when Satanists ARE devil worshippers yet they for some reason, don't receive enough hate that they completely deserve. Satanists need to be crucified and be stoned forever to show the world what happens when a "person" worships the Devil. Atheists don't go to Hell, but Satanists will. In fact, Satanists have zero place in the world.

5 Christianity

This should really be labeled as Protestantism or Orthodox, since Catholicism is also a denomination of Christianity. This religion's history is actually very sad. "Why? ", you may ask. Well, simply put they fight themselves. It's been recorded in history (Queen Mary I, 1553-1558 and Queen Elizabeth I, 1558-1603) and even goes on today. Proof can almost be placed within this poll with the separation of Catholicism and "Christianity". But in Europe and North America, Christianity has played a very destructive past that has heavily impacted the shape of these countries.

6 Voodoo

Why is this under Hinduism? All of you people up there are saying that we treat women badly. Well guess what, sonny! I am a Hindu woman. Ever heard of the epic Mahabharata? Duga Devi? Lakshmi, Parvati, Saraswati, Ganga, Annapurna, Kali, and the all powerful Shakti are one of the many feminine forms of the Brahman. Nobody ever recommended treating women badly- in fact, they are supposed to be like
our mothers! Come on guys, this is stupid and immature. All religions are fine- as long as you are happy with what you are doing... although I am not completely sure about satanism. Come on, Muslim bros and girls! Defend yourselves and don't listen to what crappy people say. Same to all of these other objectified religions. (Yes, the caste system was incorrect, but those rulers used DHARMA as an excuse.How dare they.)

7 Hinduism Hinduism is an Indian religion or dharma, a religious and universal order to which Hindus abide. It is the world's third-largest religion, with over 1.2 billion followers, or 15–16% of the global population, known as Hindus. The word Hindu is an exonym, and while Hinduism has been called the oldest... read more

I am not against the good things that they teach but they sacrifice animals and they pierce the skin of people with sharp objects and hang them and take them around the whole city. I got so frightened when I saw them. None of us Catholics were taught to do those things, yet it is ranked as the 2nd. What's worse is that, Buddhism is also on the list. The reason why I love Buddhism and RC is because they teach the right things and they don't sacrifice animals and humans.

Hinduism should be in top 5. Whether you see their history of burning widows (sati) and caste system or present So called Hindutva right wing extremist, who are always ready to kill popes and burn churches and destroy 500 years old mosque to built a temple. Upper caste treat lower caste as inhuman. They still have bound labours equivalent to slavery.

8 Scientology

This doesn't even count as a religion. It's a hypocritical business of anti-social pinheads.

THey will steal your heart and soul if you let them and of course all your money!

Pulp fuction by a crappy author. For those with weak minds and low IQ.

9 Aztec Religion

At least the Aztec religion hasn't caused countless battles and wars over it, like Christianity has (am I the only one who finds it funny that such a brutal series of events could ever spawn from such a seemingly docile religion like Christianity) we still to this day have battles being fought over Christianity, at least the Aztec religion faded into social and cultural absence. Besides, the Aztecs were still civilized in their own respective ways, and they even could have broken out of the whole human sacrifice thing by learning from the Incas or Mayans, if the Spanish hadn't invaded their territory. And yes the Spanish, who were almost all Christians convinced on civilizing every part of the world by invading, killing, overthrowing, and marking their own territory there. All without a second thought before saying, "hey, here's an unknown civilization that has done nothing wrong to us and never even knew we existed, lets take all their money, power, and land for ourselves because we're more powerful and they're different." To the Aztecs the killing was necessary to appease THEIR gods. Just like Christians follow the Bible everyday and try to please God, this was their way of doing it. And keep in mind, this was a society that formed on its own, without outside communication or knowledge of the other cultures and religions of the world. There were no wars because everyone there thought, "this is the way, this is what I must do" Without different beliefs and religions, battles happened much less often. It was really a peaceful tribe with outlandish beliefs that required a slight push into the direction of a new tactic for pleasing their gods. Yes human sacrifice was barbaric then and now, but was it any worse than the countless deaths Christianity has caused
So much unnecessary killing really is sad.

10 Judaism

They cut off baby's' foreskins and suck the blood- leading to sometimes STD s not to mention if you are going to do this repulsive act might as well do it with trained professionals in a HOSPITAL! Did you know that the men have a prayer where they thank god that they weren't born women! DISGUSTING

I hope she is not Christian as we are all called to love everyone...

I want Hitler is still alive to kill more Jew bastards!

The Contenders
11 Sikhism

How is Sikhism even on this list? Last time I checked, their morals are as strong as those of Buddhism or Shinto. Sure, there may be the racist doofus now and then, but besides that I can't see anything wrong.

These guys have done nothing they only fight for there rights they will help people in need they haven't done anything they don't allows circumcision nothing to harm the body except they shall take action when thing s need to be turned from bad to good

They wear diapers on thr head and hate othere religions and thr country they live/.

12 Jehovah's Witnesses

First off, those who have died will be ressurected soon, so the suicide rates and deaths don't count. Second, Paradise is a beautiful thing, so I don't see why that would be a problem. Third, the Paradise will end all problems and wars, the military is only allowed by Jehovah God (if that makes sense), to create some sort of protection when wars do arise. Fourth, this world does in a way suck because who would want to live in a world with imperfection, pain, and sorrow for any longer? Fifth, we as Jehovah's witnesses are all a big family and will continue living happily all the way into the new world and forever after that. Jehovah will make everybody happy regardless of what may happen.

13 Mormonism

Because their scriptures are contradictive. Look at the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants. BoM says Polygamy is bad, D&C says it's good to cover up Joseph's affair (look up Joseph Smith History). They stole a lot of their temple rituals from the Masons, and added blood oaths (changed since 1990). Their gospel is ever changing yet they claim to remain consistent and never changing. They don't really stand for equal rights and want to have the household a traditional patriarch where the man leads the family regardless of how corrupt or evil he is. They hold the law of tithing to the extremes where a rapist who hasn't been caught that pays tithing can get temple blessings, while a righteous man who is struggling financially has added burdens and stress because he cannot pay the 10% and thus the consequences are such he cannot get a temple recommend. They teach you to judge others at a very young age, and condemn all other religions. They're more after your money than they are to help you.

14 Buddhism

I don't know why modern society likes to portray Buddhism as this religion that has never had a single terrorist, it's irritating because it's not true. There was an ancient Chinese emperor who used violence to convert his people to Buddhism, and in more recent history Buddhists in Myanmar have killed many Rohingya Muslims. Sure, I will agree that there are some other religions that have had more violence in its name, but there are also some religions that have had less violence in its name. I would probably say Shinto or Taoism is the most peaceful religion.

15 Church of England
16 Shinto

I can't believe Shintoism is actually on this list. It's not widely practiced outside of Japan, so how on earth could it possibly be considered as destructive? It preaches peace, being one with nature, etc. It never started any wars or fights.

Some religions have the principle of "Not killing others", some have not.

17 Tendai
18 Theistic Satanism
19 Paganism
20 Zoroastrianism
21 Baha'i Faith
22 Taoism
23 The Thugee

Indiana jones made short work of them. They were kind of cool though. Not as cool as the Nazis.

24 Positive Christianity

Positive Christianity was created by the nazis and it believes Jesus was not a jew and it's more like negative Christianity!

25 Rastafari Movement

They're not destructive. They smoke pot all day long and that's all.

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