Top Ten Reasons Why Christianity is Wonderful

The Top Ten
We have God as our heavenly father

God sent Jesus into this world to sacrifice Himself with His love. He rose on the third day and gained eternal life with Him!

Because Jesus is the King of Kings and the Great. I love you, Jesus.

This always brings me comfort.

Christianity teaches us to love one another, unconditionally

I'm Jewish, but I still love the religion known as Christianity. It's about love. Love the sinner, hate the sin. It recognizes that every human being has a soul, has a spirit, has emotions, and has a life.

Yes, and it is the only cure for the world's ills. If everyone would just listen to Jesus and read the 'Book of John' with their hearts, they would know it too.

God also teaches His followers to deeply care for one another and to support them!

Our Lord died on the cross for us

The Father loves us so much that He could not bear to lose any of us or let us suffer. That is why He sent His one and only Son, Jesus, to save us. Through Him, the Father and I could reconcile. He died on the cross to take away our sins, and miraculously, He rose from the dead.

None of the other gods has ever done that in history. I don't know whether they exist or not, but Jesus is real. It was even historically evident.

Christ loved us so much that He was willing to lay down His life to give us a chance to live. If He hadn't done that, we would all face eternal punishment. I can't think of any other god that sacrificed themselves to save humankind.

Rhetorical question: Can anyone think of one?

Forgiveness of our sins

If we repent and allow Jesus to be our best friend, our strength, our guide, and our counselor, we are guaranteed a place in Heaven to live forever with Him and our Father God. How beautiful is that?

Christianity teaches charity towards those in need

Yes, and what a wonderful, beautiful feeling it is - the best feeling ever - when we help those in need and those who are less fortunate. There's no better way on Earth to rid ourselves of our own problems than by helping others with theirs. Jesus is leading us to this. He set the perfect example of, "Love ye one another as I have loved you."

Good Christians follow and understand this like no other.

If you want God to notice your good deeds, do them from your heart and not for attention!

Most charitable organizations are Christian-based.

Historically, hospitals were started by Christians

There are more Christian-sponsored charities than any other on Earth. Millions of lives are improved each and every year because of the love of Christ manifested through fellow Christians. I love the meaning of Christianity.

Christianity inspired so many works of beautiful art

I go to the art museum a lot, and many works are based on Christianity. From the stylized Gothic to the realistic Renaissance, all throughout history, Christianity has inspired art.

It has, hasn't it? I love looking at all the beautiful paintings done of Jesus Christ and the messages they convey.

Christianity inspired so many works of beautiful music

There are many, many beautiful Christian songs that will bring out the light in each of us if we will but listen.


It is a day of remembrance for the reason of His entering into the flesh - a day to say, Happy Birthday, Jesus.

The world comes together on this great day.


Jesus is the resurrection and the life for all mankind, the Light of the world.

The Newcomers

? Crisis hotlines were started by a Christian clergyman
? It has a lot of holidays
The Contenders
You'll feel happy in yourself

So very true - a beautiful, inner peaceful happiness it is too.


I'm so glad I'm saved and will be going to Heaven. It breaks my heart that not all of us are Christians, and some will have to go to the other place. We will be in Heaven forever.

What a blessing to be with the Lord forever!

We have Mary as Our Blessed Mother
We have a wonderful God to praise
You don't need to fear anything or anyone
It would help you for the future

Along with having eternal life with Jesus!

Amen, it would indeed, and it does.

Christian Metal

This is proof that not all heavy metal is satanic.

No evil will ever escape justice
Christian Rock

Christian Rock was the first rock music that I've actually enjoyed.

You'll feel more religious

More at peace rather, not so much religious.

The Good Side
Christian Hip Hop
No good will ever go unrewarded
Christian Pop
It gives people happiness
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