Top 10 Awkward or Awful Things You May Do In Middle School

Ah, middle school. Some love it, most hate it and look back on it with heavy hearts. Some may insist that the constant testing, the identification of a student by their grades, or the lack of resources made the 2 or 3 years foul, but I disagree. The constant social awkwardness was enough, for me, to kill the experience. Leave your memories down below!
The Top Ten
1 Puberty/Sexual Education

Ah, puberty. The fun part of life filled with hormonal chaos and hair growth. Both genders equally hated puberty education- with the girls throwing away the pads they were given and the boys wondering why they would need a razor.
Sex-Ed was even worse. I know that for many schools, the boys and girls struggle through it together. The girls- blushing and staring at some hot boy on the other side of the room, and the guys- giggling at every little mature word and doing that stupid sexual hand gesture. Yeah. You know what that is.

I have hit puberty once. There are bangs in my hair and I got pimples every time I get them. Acne is on my forehead. And the biggest mistake of my life in 5th grade was I got on my period and I used a toilet paper instead of a sanitary pad. Gross...

I learned some puberty education in 4th grade then in 5th grade we took what I call the worst field trip of all time to learn even more about puberty. Good thing I haven't learned about sex ed yet.

2 That Awkward Roll-Call Failure

I can speak for many people when I say that the simple task of yelling "here! " often carries a lot of anxiety and worry for students. Especially for me, with the curse of a "Z" last name. From the A's to the Y's, I constantly repeat different variations of "here! " in my head, looking for the perfect technique- to not suffer a hormonal voice crack or, god forbid, yell something other than "here! ". Gosh, do I have stories to tell.

During role-call (we say our last names in alphabetical order), I was talking to the dude sitting next to me and forgot to call out my last name, then my teacher yelled at me.

My voice is quiet and I always say "here" but the class always has to say that I'm here because the teacher can't hear me...or can't HERE me!

3 That Clumsy Fail During a Good Old Game of Dodgeball

Me, being a less athletic, more academic person, hated P.E.. It was a time of great judgement. This is mainly because my classes were usually full of testosterone-driven dudes who apparently suffered from schizophrenia- they believed that a simple game of kickball was a prestigious Olympic event. Whenever I got hit with a dodgeball or kicked the kickball a bit too high, I got screeches of anger from the gorillas on my team. "Hurry the *&%# up! You're gonna make us lose! " is a common and deadly one.

I got hit in the face with a dodge ball. You seventh graders. Why not give me a ice pack instead of leaving me there to play. Even though I was Okai I wanted to sit it out! I hate dodgeball. At least in Volley Ball when I get hurt it doesn't hurt!

I actually love Dodgeball. Except for when my worst enemy the 7th grader (who isn't even in the same grade, or class as me) grabbed a dodgeball and threw it at me. I still love this game.

4 When the Teacher Calls You Up to the Board

Whenever I heard my name being called and an Expo marker being held out, I knew that Expo marker would be the knife that stabs me in the heart. I was a smart student. No doubt that I had good grades in school. But as I work on that god-forbidden SmartBoard or that squeaky chalkboard, thirty "evil, judging" eyes bore into the back of my skull. I eventually find that x=4, or something along that line. Everything is fine, I stand back proudly to show off my excellent work, and then the teacher does the evil act- he erases my answer, works it again, and finds that x is indeed equal to 5. Thoughts rush through my head. Do people think I'm an idiot now? Is this a participation grade? Dear God. That's it. I'm never appearing in this class again.

Eh this happened in 5th grade as I genuinely didn't know how to do some math problems and misheard what the teacher said. Me and her didn't get along and she was like a drill instructor without the yelling, but she wasn't bad and she saw potential in me that at the time I didn't see.

Anyhow I was sent one day and I didn't remember how to do a multiplication problem in front of the class, some rich kid was whispering the wrong word and the teacher insulted me. Eventually it got bad enough that one day I slammed the desk in another room when she accused me of not listening when she spoke, which wasn't true as I genuinely forgot how to do it. She wasn't there but I decided to not do my work like a bad kid and I got sick and stayed home. Eventually I learned that she actually cared about us and I carried my weight and by the end of the year she was proud of me :).

5 Project Presentations

My god. These things were absolutely awful. Either you were completely alone, stuttering your words solo, or in a group of others. Of course, misery is best shared in groups, but groups were also hell. Going solo meant that if you screwed up, you screwed up. But there were no group members that were way too energetic- volunteering your group first and completely outwitting you- or group members that just stood there and sulked. No matter how well you presented, presentations always left you dreading that deadline even more.

I hate my video voice and I hate presentations even more. When everyone's staring at you it feels like daggers are shooting you and you feel so nervous. Murder project presentations altogether. Who's with me!

I hate these, I can't speak that loud. It's so hard to do this because I get extremely nervous. Then one time I messed up! I'm so mad at teachers for doings this to me.

6 Foreign Language

Spanish. French. German. Whatever the heck you took, you suffered. There was no avoiding it. In sixth grade, hoping to buffer my Spanish skills and forced to get early credits by my mom, I started a period of Spanish a day. Children who had speech impediments especially suffered. I myself had R, L, and S problems. Being raised in a border city was awful during Spanish. At least 85% of my class was Mexican, so for every R I forgot to roll, for every "el" I mispronounced, I felt the awkwardness and the social suicide rising. Even if you spoke normally.

French isn't a difficult language per se, but just take the advice: work hard your first year in languages. It's really difficult catching up if you slack on the foundation. I can testify!

Not just in middle school. In my elementary school they "taught" us Spanish, and I'm using quotation marks because they expected us to already know Spanish.

7 Fitnessgram During Physical Ed

Sometimes called the Presidential Test or something like that, the FitnessGram is absolute hell. For those that don't know what it is, I'll break it down.
The PACER Test, or the most dreaded test, is where the students line up on a line. They hear a 30 second instruction, and then a beep (the beep probably warning of danger to come) sounds. You run a certain length. At my school, I believe it was like 30 meters or something short like that. You get to the line. And then another beep. The running continues until kids begin to drop out from an awful burning in the chest. All this is accompanied by smooth jazz. Those gorillas I mentioned earlier? One, I remembered, got 94 laps. My high score? 35.
The next test is the Sit Ups and Push Ups. You can guess what those are. Gorillas- 75 sit ups, 50 push ups.
Then you do misc. Stuff, like stretches and your height and weight measurements.
When you do that first test, you know the next week of your life will be hell. People shame you for a low score or a high weight. You'll likely be short of breath due to the PACER.

8 Field Trip Bus Rides

I loved field trips. That fun romp to the planetarium, the zoo, or perhaps a science movie was amazing- a whole half day off of school. However, the bus wasn't so fun.
I admit, I'm a bit of an introvert. However, I was plenty fun at school. Even some of my extrovert friends hated the bus.
You would race into class that day, asking people if they wanted to sit next to you so you wouldn't have that period of shame where you're sitting on the bus and people pass you. Even when you're the last open bench, people just walk past. That's hell.
Once you're settled on the bus, that one annoying kid starts their rendition of "99 Bottles of Beer", although the teacher changes it to "99 Bottles of Milk". If not that, then it's "Wheels on the Bus". If a kid isn't singing, he's most likely in the back of the bus, flipping off the cars that pass or trying to get a trucker to honk.

I never had too big of an issue with field trip bus rides. I usually just sit in the corner and listen to music. However I have experienced some dunces on the bus. We were riding home after the end of the year trip to Six Flags. It had rained out that day so the windows on the bus were all wet. I'm sure you might remember people, maybe you, drawing on the wet windows of buses on rainy days before. Well, some dumbass kid drew a colossal penis on the big back window that was on the back exit of the school bus. Apparently, there were multiple genitals being doodled on the glass, this one just happened to be effortless to spot. Not helping matters was the two teachers on the bus being the two notorious mean teachers of my hallway, so a lot of "IMMA WRITE YOU UP! " could be heard. The bus driver said something about Picasso that made the bus laugh, but I don't remember what he said. Kids, if you're gonna draw private parts on bus windows, don't draw a giant one on the back window where it's easy to be detected. I've also experienced the third World War breaking out over a fart on a different bus ride. I was in the area so it got pretty loud for me. Bus rides don't sour a field trip experience for me, but chaos breaks out every once in a while.

9 Changing in front of others

We have to do that in gym class. It's really weird, especially because some people decide to change right in front of the door.

Well, I'm glad I'm homeschooled. I don't know why I'm looking at this list if I don't go to public school though.

Yes, you are thrown into a locker room with 29 others and thrown into near nudity and sometimes with swimming full nudity as others joke and laugh at you

10 "Love"

I love my best friend but the only thing that annoying me to death EVERY GUY FALLS FOR HER. Literally she is complaining some icky guy is going after her and it's annoying because he isn't hot and I'm like aT lEaSt PeOpLe LOvE yOu. No one ask me out because they see her first. And I don't want to be weird but I am flat compared to her so all the guys drool over her as I sit there and I'm like I'M hErE tOo

I don't like how at school, people I don't even know the name of ask me to go on a date with them.

I've never dated before.

The Contenders
11 The Teacher Calls On You That One Time You Actually Don't Know The Answer

My teacher always calls on the people who aren't paying attention, I pay attention most of the time but I'm a daydreamer and if she ever thinks I'm zoning out she'll call on me, it's so embarrassing haha

12 That Awkward Moment of Silence

This is more specific than the others, and much smaller, but it's way more common.
In a classroom, everyone's chattering. You find it logical to be spouting drama to a friend, or perhaps just telling them a secret. You assume it's safe, since you can't hear anything in particular over the racket.
The minute you say something, the entire class just shuts up.
And that's how you tell the entire class something important in one stupid move.

Usually those moments are awesome until someone annoyingly yells awkward silence at the top of their lungs and it's ruined. I hate that!

I would always be the icebreaker and fill up that moment of silence.

13 Standardized Testing

Oh, lawdy. This one's a biggie.
Where I am, it's either the STAAR or the TAAKS. Both taken from 3rd to your later high school years. In middle school, it's the worst. You spend a week in a class with a bunch of kids you don't know since they classify you by alphabetical order, taking a stupid test for 3 or 4 hours before sitting around with our heads down for the other 4. No talking at lunch, even when the test is over.

We have to do the Map Test!

I took MAP tests and I always failed them because they didn't suit my learning style

14 Work with People You Don't Like

I had to work with my ex-best friend who wasn't talking to me for days and I ended up doing all the work. It was so awkward cause we were supposed to do it together so I was trying to be nice when all I wanted to do was yell at her.

Once I had to dissect a bunch of sea critters with this annoying girl who glared at me that nobody likes, and this nerd guy. Both were so annoying and BOSSY.

15 That horrible moment you realize you and your crush will never happen

What's a crush

16 Having the Answer to a Big Question Then Forgetting How to Do It

I hate when this happens

This happens a lot.

17 Getting caught cursing

I've heard people use the f word multiple times in the hallways and the cafeteria. No one swears in the classroom, but then outside of the classroom lots of people swear.

At my school, most kids curse like sailors in class, nobody bats an eye. I say the H word at lunch, everyone goes mad.

Cursing is 1 thing saying curse in front of a teacher is another...don't ask

18 Missing the bus, and being home alone on the first day of fourth quarter

I added this because this happened to me this year. Waving out to cars for a long time until eventually going over to you neighbor's house to have them drive you to school. The worst part about it is that my parents are divorced so my mom doesn't live with me, my dad was out of town, and my sister was already at school.

I'm gonna be taking the bus next school year and I'm terrified as hell.

That happen to me. One of my students said there no oreachtra. So I left until my bus leave.

19 You have a period during class

Being on your period is so embarrassing! Plus, if people see a blood stain on your jeans or light-colored pants, then you're gonna have to deal with embarrassment you can't escape. That's just one of the reasons why no one likes having their period and getting embarrassed in front of everyone else.

One time I was in class and I got my period. I was sitting next to my crush.

20 Getting expelled for fighting someone that should've left you alone

Believe me it sucks...

21 Accidentally Spilling Your Favorite Drink During Lunch
22 You Get Caught Accidentally Walking Into the Wrong Locker Room/Bathroom
23 Getting Really Nervous When You Talk to the Principal

I'm so awkward sometimes: last time this happened, my face turned bright red like a tomato and I literally started giggling awkwardly

24 Being last one chosen for PE

Whenever there were team captains in PE, my friend and I were the last two to be picked. I was always second to last, and she was dead last. At least this year I have developed a technic of being impossible to hit with a ball, I am no longer second to last anymore.

I was the last one picked for everything. Probably because I'm autistic and I have a tic disorder

25 Some idiot takes your stuff, throws it into your least favorite teacher's room and runs away
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