Top 10 Worst Things About TikTok

The Top Ten
1 It promotes videos normalizing violence against women.

I can see why this is first because this sounds absolutely terrible. Women deserve to be treated with respect. This shouldn’t be happening. Humanity is deteriorating strongly.

Nasty this app is misogynistic, sexist and violent so it should be banned.

2 It has dangerous challenges such as the Tide Pod, Benadryl, or Skull Breaker Challenge.
3 It is linked with higher rates of depression and suicide in younger people using it.
4 It has little to no privacy due to unwanted data collection.

China is watching you and coercing your behavior patterns.

5 It has a lot of fake news and misinformation.
6 It has poor content moderation leading to its misuse by child predators due to all the children on the app.
7 It is an extremely addictive app for over 70% of the nearly 5 billion people who downloaded it.
8 It poses national security threats due to the potential of it being used as spyware by other governments.
9 The constant viewing of short videos may cause low attention spans and ADHD in children, which can affect concentration and performance in school along with everyday activities.
10 It promotes negative body images and causes unrealistic expectations due to the fact that it filters out people deemed as old, fat, ugly, or poor.
The Contenders
11 It exploits children under the age of 18
12 It promotes the sexualizing of kids
13 It promotes videos normalizing prejudice
14 It promotes videos normalizing bullying
15 It promotes videos normalizing opinion bashing
16 It promotes videos normalizing discrimination
17 It promotes videos normalizing pedophilia, bestiality and incest
18 Cyber bullying is a major issue on the platform.
19 It promotes videos normalizing violence and hate crimes
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