Worst South Park Episodes
Though South Park is a great show, it's has its share of bad episodes, more so in seasons 7, 9, 12 & 15.To everyone saying that Tweek and Craig's relationship was forced in this episode, it was, and was meant to be. The point of this episode wasn't to be emotional or actually turn them into a couple (even though they actually ended up becoming one), it was making fun of the people who kept trying to make them gay. As for Tweek and Craig being out of character, that really depends on what the viewer thinks, but if you are in a relationship, even if you're faking, you will probably act different around the person whom you are with. Granted, Tweek x Craig wasn't the funniest of episodes, but that didn't make it by any means the worst one.
How the hell did THIS episode not get number one on this list! A Million Little Fibers is bad and all, but this episode is probably the worst dead episode I've ever seen, and I only saw the ending! Lucky me to see one of the worst moments in cartoon history. And you know what's funny? Not what's supposed to be funny but what's actually funny. The ending could've worked. That's right, I said it. You want to know how? Simple. Have the hockey team (God knows I can't remember their name for the life of me) arrested for beating up the little kids and have their team win by default. That way the cancer patient wouldn't have DIED from a broken heart, the hockey team that won would've met a cathartic punishment at the hand of the law, and Stan's team wouldn't have gotten mercilessly beaten down for nothing. And, why the Hell did the hockey team get cheered on for not only taking advantage of the fact that they were playing against little kids to win the Cup, but also needlessly maim, beat down, and injure said TODDLERS in the process? I love South Park as much as the next guy, but this episode went way too far with its offensive humor.
An absolute mess of an episode that simply isn't worth the time of day. Pip was a chore to sit through too, but it at least had a couple of funny moments. This episode however barely got a single chuckle out of me, and as someone who never skips episodes of T.V. shows during marathons, I'll no doubt be making an exception for this one during all future rewatches of the series.
What even is this episode? It goes from Towelie becoming an author, to Oprah's talking vagina wanting to escape her body. That mixed with some horrible jokes that didn't make me laugh at all. I don't think I'll ever be re-watching this nonsense ever again. Should be above Stanley's Cup because at least that episode had a consistent plot.
This is my least favorite of all time. It's not that I hated it because it's disgusting and graphic, but because it's transphobic as hell. They're basically saying transsexuality is the same thing as getting a surgery to become tall and black or a dolphin. It's completely inaccurate as well, as Mr. Garrison didn't have to live as a woman before having surgery, and was completely uninformed on what the operation would and wouldn't do. I'm transsexual myself (but female to male) and I know they don't just hand out instant sex changes on the daily to anyone with the money for it. Transition takes a lot of time. I know South Park is complete satire and not meant to be taken seriously, but you can usually see what they honestly think about certain issues and do their research. This is a perfect example of criticism and ignorance from their end as well as the characters on the show.
Thanks to A Million Little Fibers, this is now only my second least favourite episode. Though despite being a chore to sit through, Malcolm McDowell's scenes as "A British Person" are what save this episode from being completely unwatchable, in fact it's worth watching just for him alone.
Well, it was good to see that there are episodes that focus on some more minor characters, and while this one did have its share of laughs, it wasn't too interesting.
This the only episode I can say it about it sucks.
Plus, just for common knowledge this is the shows creators least favorite episode too.
There are some clever concepts in this episode, and it's SO satisfying to see Cartman get what he DESERVES, but most of it is just an excuse to abuse Kyle. You thought Toilet Paper didn't pay good homage to Silence of the Lambs, and that it was bland and unfunny, well, Human CentiPad does this even WORSE. Plus, I'm pretty sure it's pretty embarrassing to make Steve Jobs look like a sadistic madman in the one episode he appears in, and then have him die shortly afterwards. Gross, unfunny, with some of the WORST gross-out humor in South Park history (and that's saying a lot), it has a few decent qualities, but is still overall just stupid.
I love South Park so much, and have a REALLY dark sense of humor at times, but this was disturbing. Real suicide is something that really makes me uncomfortable and I don't find it funny at all. The only time I think South Park made it funny was when the Japanese man jumped off the tower. But this episode was extremely boring and disturbing. It should be the number one!
I hated this episode so much because Britney couldn't do anything about it that she still lived and everyone didn't end that at all...
Very uncomfortable feelings in this episode, skip it if you can.
I LOVED how eric was so terrified of the Chinese and it was HILARIOUS when they "invaded the Chinese headquarters " and tried to get information from some random Chinese family. The part about Indiana RUINED this episode. They had like only five minutes on the Chinese total and all of the rest was about how the boys were traumatized from a movie. By the way I didn't think Stanleys Cup was so bad.
Honestly I loved this one it seemed interesting really funny, and they managed to show how opposed we are with movies and shows. A guilty pleasure to me and a really great episode for butters. Especially his closing line " can't believe they threw him in jail I thought that movie was pretty good
Come on guys! This is the episode (from Season 2) where Matt and Trey were supposed to reveal who Cartman's father was and they blew it off. It was an April fools prank to make the worst episode... And they did just that.
?! 🤯 This is among my favorite episodes. It was the moment that South Park really let us, the viewers, know what it really is about. South Park is not just for gross out laughs. It's a surreal show that can parody itself. The random quirkiness of it all really drives home the creativity of Stone and Parker. This is the episode where I became a devoted South Park fan.
The Newcomers
"Maybe I just have a weird sense of humor, but I found this episode to be extremely funny. Don't know what all the hate is about."
They hated it because of the live action scene. I thought the live action scene was extremely funny too.
This is a guilty pleasure to me. Yes it was purposely annoying, but I really loved to whole survival show concept. Just as long as it gave me a good time even when it's bad is fine with me
Dumb concept and totally unfunny the whole way through. And to be the honest the stupid real live versions of the characters were just vet lame.
My 10 worst eps
10.best friends forever and breast cancer show ever (CARTMAN! )
9.The ring and
8.medical fried chicken
7.smug alert
6.toilet paper
5.The death camp of tolerance
4.pip and south park is gay!
DISHonorable mentions 1% Britney new look taming straight ginger cow ass burgers your getting old
1.Mr garrisons fancy new vagina and jakovasaurs
Kyle did not deserve to be beaten up by the other kids after he broke away from the fad! Like in many other situations, he was showing that he is not as easily influenced as them, & that's an excellent quality for a character to have!
Oh, Come on! ManBearPig was a good one! There's a number of good episodes that shouldn't be on this list, such as Casa Bonita, All about Mormons, and The Ring.
WAY too funny to be bad, even though it was kind of funny. have you even watched it? its hilarious, I'm super serial.
No way man manbear pig is one of the best episode they made. Easily one of the funniest I'm super cereal
Making fun of celebs in a bad taste way is what we know and love this show for, but ersonally I think Matt and Trey just came off as jerks here. From what I've heard, Isaac Hayes was a nice enough guy, he was put in a tough spot and left the show. Why treat him and the character of Chef like this? Worst of all...there's not one laugh in the episode.
I find it weird that the first 4 episodes on this list are from Season 10 (2006). People didn't like this season because, chef died, stanley's cup, towelie getting his own episode, but season 10 is good. Guys, why are you getting mad at an episode about cancer but you like it when cartman Is Hitler? That'd just wrong.
An episode people seem to love for some bizarre reason. An episode that's nowhere near as clever (or funny) as people make it out to be. We all know the plot, so let's just look at Cartman's plan, shall we? For it to work, he needed for Stan and Kyle to betray him and tell Scott Tenorman his retarded plan involving a horse biting off Scott's 'wiener'. Okay, I can believe they'd do that. It's certainly within their established characters. But then he needed for Scott to take his dumb plan seriously enough to 'interfere' with the horse somehow. And on top of that, know that he'd send his parents instead. Eric barely knows this kid, yet he somehow knows how he thinks? Then on top of that, rely on Scott's parents being shot by Denkins. And fatally shot at that. Then on top of that, I'm supposed to believe Eric is physically capable of dragging two dead adult human carcasses home (without his mother finding out and without the police finding out someone had stolen the bodies) and hack them up, to make chilli. All while Scott is still at home probably wondering why his parents haven't returned yet. You'd think the fact that Denkins called the police and the bodies were already presumably identified as the Tenormans would mean that Scott would have already been notified of his parents' death. Certainly before the chilli cookoff, anyway. There's no logical way that Scott wouldn't have either been informed that his parents were dead, or at least have been worried about his parents whereabouts and therefore not even be at the chilli cookoff. Then we have Cartman basically revealing the fact that he orchestrated the murder of two innocent people (Scott is a prick, for sure, but his parents did nothing to Eric) to the entire town (or at least a significant percentage of it) WITHOUT any repercussions for it?! And this 'revenge plan' (which claimed the lives of two innocent people just to get back at some kid for bullying another kid) with all these illogical inconsistencies is... more
Awful Season 20 ending that makes the Season 19 finale look like "Make Love Not Warcraft"
Most annoying episode it's like listening to a screaming child on a plane
Pretty boring, it didn't have such a good story. It was boring and had a really dumb ending. It started ok but it ended bad.
The stupid idea that someone take a crap in a Urinal has to do with the September 11
This episode is just plain gross. I know that they are ticks and are just parasites, and I can see how South Park often looks at things from a different point of view, but Jesus, did it have to be THAT graphic? On top of that, Clyde isn't a very interesting character, and the boys in this episode are just over-the-top cruel.
This episode makes me cringe every time. Especially the part with the rid-X. I am not sure whether to take pity on the lice or be insanely angry with them for being so nonchalant that they are causing harm to Clyde. Or should I be mad at Clyde for causing harm to the lice? what the heck am I supposed to feel here. on top of all that it's not just Clyde it's ALL the kids and they just want to focus on clyde? sheesh louise.
I voted this one to get humancentipad further away from the top. Something was just utterly hilarious to me about cartmans rape allegations towards his mother. People are too easily grossed out the the humancentpede spoof so that they don't fully value the cartman moments, I mean it's one of the great cartman moments when he actually accuses his mother of raping him on doctor phil just because he didn't get an Ipad.
This episode was actually the last episode to feature the voice of Mary Kay Bergman, who died on November 11, 1999, shortly before this episode aired. That is why The Red Badge of Gayness lacks a lot of involvement from female characters, and This episode as well as Starvin Marvin in Space were dedicated to her memory, as was one of the Scooby Doo movies from the late 90s (she voiced Daphne in addition to South park)
There is no reason why this episode is even on this list (all songs were funny)?
No, you are thinking of the old one, from the 90's. THAT was funny. but this, is a dried up lump.
Just another Stan torture porn, and I really hate that park ranger. Hmm weird is it me or are park rangers meant to be hated in cartoons, I mean we have ranger smith and know this guy, ahh must be a confidence. I close by staying stay away from or anywhere near Yellowstone you'll think me for it
It pretty much turned every character into a dickhead and the episode is just boring and not funny. Stanley's cup is still the worst, but I needed to comment on this one.
This episode did NOT age well. I would even argue it takes the "wrong" side, and there are episodes I love that disagree with my views.
I could never understand the point of this episode. It just treats the tobacco company as an underdog. It had very little to say.
I like toilet paper and butt out I not understand why people hate those episodes