Top 10 Stick Figure Animators on YouTube

The Top Ten
1 Alan Becker
2 Hyun's Dojo
3 Xiaoxiao3
4 Terkoiz
5 GildedGuy
6 Jzboy Animations
7 Flashdeckanimations
8 MondoMedia
9 Kabloosh

Kabloosh has hilarious skits in his videos, indeed not a time to waste

10 Fabiano Cruz
The Contenders
11 Oversimplified
12 Cv Anims
13 Oxob3000
14 Rayure Le Pas Velu
15 ItsMeOneTwoNine

He is an incredibly recent fellow, already making his first video yesterday. He is great.

16 Tabbes
17 Sam O'Nella

Makes great history videos with great dry humor.

18 Axzyte
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