Top Ten Most Terrifying Things About the Emergency Alert System

If you live in Tornado Valley, you know this alert far too much.
The Top Ten
1 The SAME Header

The SAME Header is the shrill screeching you hear at the beginning and the end of a EAS Alert. It is probably the 2nd most terrifying alarm right next to the Air Raid Siren

2 The Attention Signal

Here in canada it beeps for 8 seconds and it sounds different than the usa it could be scary for some people who are afraid of the noise

The Attention Signal is the long beep after the 3 burst of the SAME Header.

3 The robotic, monotonous voice

In many alerts, you hear a automated voice message. You rarely ever hear a human voice.

4 The black screen

In some states in the USA, the EAS Alert interrupts broadcast by showing black screen. Pretty much falls into the Vanity Plate, but in other states (including the state I currently reside in, Florida), a black bar will appear instead. Because of this, viewers can still see what is happening during the EAS, but all sound from the current T.V. show that is airing will be cut off.

5 The soulless white text

All of the EAS contain white text in the AgencyFB font. This adds to the creepiness of the message

6 The fact that it never talks about anything nice

It only ever alerts about severe weather, kidnapped children, diseases, and nuclear attacks.

It always talks about life threatening events.

7 The amber alert

These alerts often contain the infamous "Deep Note" from T.H.X and more creepy content

8 The alert from Oklahoma in 1999
9 Sometimes in happens in the middle of the night

It wakes you up with it's nails-on-a-chalkboard screech

10 Nuclear War
The Contenders
11 Tornado Warning
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