Top 10 Things that the Nintendo Haters Actually Have a Point About

The Top Ten
1 Nintendo is a highly greedy and corrupt company underneath its warm and friendly exterior, even going as far as to sue the creators of amazingly well-made fangames and then blatantly steal their ideas for themselves

As long as they're not like Disney, then everything is fine... Being greedy and corrupt is never okay.

Like what they did to Redigit for Super Mario Bros. X and make Super Mario Maker?

2 Nintendo is stuck in the past
3 As a game developer, they're easily the best in the world indeed, but still incredibly overrated regardless (looking at you three especially, Mario and Zelda and Pokémon)
4 Nintendo's fanbase (for the most part) is easily just as petty and childish as Sony's and Microsoft's, if not even more so
5 Many other developers have made games that are easily just as good and polished as Nintendo's, but have sadly not gotten nearly as much recognition for it (Konami, Capcom, Naughty Dog, etc)
6 Nintendo has casualized the vast majority of its games far too much over the years, starting with the SNES era, and thus quickly ended up making them WAY too easy
7 Nintendo's consoles are weak
8 Even Nintendo HAS, in fact, made genuinely bad games before (Yoshi's Story, Metroid Prime Federation Force, Donkey Kong Barrel Blast, Paper Mario Sticker Star, etc)
9 Nintendo really, really, REALLY needs to pay more attention and respect to Metroid, F-Zero and Star Fox

I agree on this one, especially since I like all three of those franchises.

10 Overall, Sony is better

That's a preference, which doesn't change a single thing about Nintendo.

They produced more varities than Nintendo, I am not hyped about Nintendo that I used to be.

Sony pony lol

The Contenders
11 Super Smash Bros is without a doubt the absolute most overrated fighting game franchise to ever exist
12 While there's certainly nothing wrong with the all-ages schtick, Nintendo really should try making its overall game library lean a bit less heavily on the kiddy side of things
13 If you take away the first-party Nintendo titles, it's pretty easy to forget that the Wii even has good games on it.
14 The music of Nintendo games is often better than the actual games themselves

Super Metroid and Earthbound, anyone?

15 Many of Nintendo's characters are admittedly bland and one-dimensional

A certain princess and her recolors come to mind.

16 Majora's Mask and Mother 3 are NOT as dark as people make them out to be
17 In many ways, Earthbound's fanbase is actually almost as bad as Undertale's if not worse
18 The last time Nintendo actually made a full-fledged home console that was technologically up-to-date was honestly the Gamecube
19 The "friend code" thing was stupid
20 Nintendo really needs to make a better infrastructure for online play
21 Their ideas for consoles are somehow managing to get progressively worse over the years, not even mentioning the Virtual Boy from all the way back in the late 90s
22 In an ideal world, they already would've joined forces with Sony and Microsoft a very long time ago
23 Zelda fans are snobby jerks
24 It's actually largely their fault that Undertale's fanbase exists
25 They probably could have saved the Mega Man and Castlevania franchises if they just weren't so lazy
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