Top 10 Biggest Rivalries Between Users On TheTopTens

The Top Ten
1 Puga vs. SevenLizards

I'm going to be honest and state that the definition of rivalries in this site and list is misunderstood.

Almost none of what is submitted on this list is a rivalry, its instead an enmity. While yes, two people hating on each other can be considered a rivalry, though in those cases, there can at least be some degree of respect and praise given to one another in regards to different qualities. Plus, most rivalries don't really have two sides hating each other, its basically just opposition.

If this list was called, "Biggest Arch-Enemies between Users in TheTopTens", it'd actually make a lot more sense considering most of these go past rivalries and instead is an enemy relationship.

2 Danteem vs. Therandom

Ok, how is the AB vs Bobby rivalry higher than this?

That's a really strong rivalry.

When I was on the site in 2015, I knew nothing about this war. The only reason I heard of Danteem was because he wrote an offensive comment on one of my lists - AggressiveBlaze

3 PositronWildhawk vs. Britgirl

Pos is right, we ARE good friends. Which is why he know I'll let him beat me in most things :P

Rivals? We're very good friends!

4 TwilightKitsune vs ModernSpongeBobSucks

It's not over Sword Art Online. If I write the real, authentic honest reason over here admin will accuse me of "bullying" and suspend my account, despite the fact he was the one who started it

I'm not sure who's side I'm on to be honest. MSBS did overreact but at the same time I'm not sure if I should pick a side.

Oh, this petty crap. Yeah, this one is not one to go down in history.

I don't like picking sides but I agree with Kitsune on this.

5 PositronWildhawk vs SelfDestruct
6 Disney1994 vs. ModernSpongeBobSucks

My rivalry towards him could be described in the 3 H's: Harsh, Hostile, and Hellish.

7 ModernSpongeBobSucks vs. Therandom

Um, we're not really rivals. Sure, we may have differing opinions on certain things, but overall, we're pretty much okay with each other. - ModernSpongeBobSucks

8 Puga vs ModernSpongebobSucks

My rivalry towards him could be described in the 3 H's: Harsh, Hostile, and Hellish.

9 Velitelcabal vs. BlueTopazIceVanilla

Sometimes I'm thinking if I'm actually feeding a troll.

10 Puga vs. Linnea
The Contenders
11 CrimsonShark vs. ModernSpongeBobSucks

Like with christangrant, one that is actually friendly and competitive. I also need to add that I consider Kitsada as one of my favorite users and one that I normally talk to. We are of different generation, but to be honest, I care more about making Kitsada better in some areas and vice versa. In the end, though, we're still friends and that's all I want from him.

12 SirSkeletorThe3rd vs. BlueTopazIceVanilla
13 davidcat vs ModernSpongebobSucks
14 Bobbythebrony vs AggressiveBlaze

It was huge during it's time, but eventually died out as BobbyTheBrony got suspended and abandoned the site and Blaze started fighting with other users.

Should be in the top 3. Main rivalry that destroyed TheTopTens wikias permanently.

15 Puga vs. EpicJake
16 ModernSpongebobSucks vs LarrytheFairy
17 Camaro6 vs henry_danger_is_great

I wish this would stop. It's really unfair to Camaro6.

I'm on Camaro6's side.

18 Puga vs. 445956

I'll just ignore him

We're friends now

19 Darthvadern vs. Iliekpiez

I'm not going to deny if Darth has seen Shawshank (I don't really care if he has), but it's clear he's heard the same crap for some time now.

I saw the comments about how this rivalry started and it's so stupid to start a war over.

And it all happened over whether or not Darth watched Shawshank redemption.

I simply think vadern has not seen Shawshank. He has overreacted completely.

20 Charismatickat, Darthvadern, Camaro6, and Userguy44 vs iliekpiez

This is gonna be a tough rivalry. I'm not standing back and not afraid of a rustler.

One of the worst things I have done in my life was involving this rivalry.

I stop with being anti rustler.

Wait, this is happening!?

21 bobbythebrony vs BigBrotherSucks

Just a one sided hatred, and not a real rival.

22 ModernSpongeBobSucks vs. BOTDFYesLedZeppelinNo

My troll account wasn't a rival with ModernSpongebobSucks. He just hated the account more than any other.

23 Darthvadern vs. Puga

You could say it's a sequel to to the Darthvadern vs. Iliekpiez, this fight is even more insane

This is over now.

24 Element119 vs jack2244

My and jack's rivalry has been going on for a while now and has turned into quite a fight between the two of us. But things probably won't change between the two of us in the near future, and I don't plan to be on good terms with him anytime soon considering his actions.

I was involved too on this war and was on jack2244's side. Gee, this was huge. This was probably the first time I've ever been in a conflict on the site...

25 BoredJeff02 vs. WonkeyDude98

We're no longer rivals I apologized to him and it's all water over the bridge now.

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