Top 10 Worst McDonald's Happy Meal Products

The Top Ten
Finding Nemo Jellyfish

This doesn't look like a Finding Nemo jellyfish! It has a face! Really? Finding Nemo jellyfish don't have faces!

Creepy, useless, and doesn't look like a jellyfish from the movie. One of the saddest Happy Meal toys ever.

American Idol MP3 Player

That's all it plays? Songs from American Idol? I would go insane.

Halloween Pails

I always liked the plastic Halloween pails because I could take them trick-or-treating. Some of them had lids and glowed in the dark. I used them to hold other toys during the year or just to play with.

I was really disappointed when they didn't have the pails last year because my kids had them before and were disappointed too. They weren't really greasy. Sounds like a personal McDonald's issue because we've never gotten greasy toys. If it is a grease issue, don't blame the pail. Instead of putting the food directly in the pail, ask for it in a separate bag.

When I was a kid, it never bothered me. It wasn't even greasy. Bring it back. Thanks.

Nature's Watch
Inspector Gadget 8 Piece Toy
Michael Jordan Fitness Fun

Do I have to explain?

Madam Alexander Oz Dolls
ET Poster

Is there a toy in this one?

Ronald McDonald Mask

Dress as a nightmare now, kids!

The Newcomers

? Teen Titans Go! Coloring Pages
? Sing 2 Paper Toys
The Contenders
Despicable Me 2 Clapper Toys

All of them... all it does is clap.

Kidz Bop CDs

I once got a Kidz Bop CD in my Happy Meal as a kid. It sucked. Most of the songs I didn't really like, except for the song Kidz Bop World.

New Wave Nigel
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