Top Ten Interesting Facts About TheTopTens Statistics In July 2015

The Top Ten
1 The 2012 London Olympics List is still the most popular list

Once again, another list made too early. (Just at the middle of the month)-_- But you are still a good user, though.

That list is really getting old. Its 2015 not 2012 anymore.

It was made 3 years ago. Why does it still get votes?

2 PositronWildhawk has the 3rd highest member score
3 10 users have more than 200 followers

I'm about to have 200 followers.

4 Kormo has the 10th most lists
5 Britgirl reached 400 followers
6 Ajkloth is still not in the top 100 most followed

We all need to follow him.

7 EpicJake reached 3000 comments

Thank you for adding this item.

8 Best Rappers of All Time is the most remixed list
9 15 users have more than 500 lists
10 20 lists have more than 1000 items
The Contenders
11 The Weirdest Facts list surpassed the Best Insults list
12 Cosmo has the fourth most followers
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