Top Ten Reasons to Shut Down SeaWorld
SeaWorld is cruelty, captivity, and abuse. It is stolen freedom from animals, and orca prison. It is lies to the public, and is the equivalent to living in the bathtub.Don't buy a ticket. Don't attend this. Stand with me, and #emptythetanks (go to to see a protest near you)
Here are the top ten, because there are thousands of reasons against it.
Orcas are able to dive 1,000 feet downward. SeaWorld's tanks are 50 feet deep. Orcas travel approximately 100 miles a day. SeaWorld's tanks are 350 feet wide. To travel as much as they'd be able to in the ocean per day, a whale would have to swim over 1,500 lengths of the tank.
Not only is the proximity too small, but there's barely any interaction with other whales. In most cases, the whales together in SeaWorld tanks become so irritable that they fight with each other, causing injuries - but SeaWorld employees do nothing about it.
Many other factors come into play when discussing the whales' quality of life, but in conclusion, it's unethical and harmful to the animals.
They are making money off these animals with no care for their well-being.
In January, the USDA found veterinary tools in disrepair.
This isn't the first time. They were also cited in 2007, 2012, and 2014.
Orcas breed at 15 in the wild. At SeaWorld, they breed at 8 or 9. They also continuously breed, and many of the orcas breeding are closely related. This means the orcas are inbred and will struggle with health issues.
So no, they don't take orcas from the ocean. They inbreed them into a prison in which they will have bad health.
And then those idiots decide it's the fault of the animals and kill them! What the heck? There's this hotel you should give a thumbs up to - the lion cage is so big you can't see all of it. Plus, the trainers are actually trained and not idiots waiting to get killed.
No matter how much you train these creatures, they are wild animals. We don't speak orca, and they are under a lot of pressure performing. There have been many incidents where people died.
Blackfish tells it all. Watch it - it's a must-see.
In the wild, orcas can live up to 60-70 years - a long, happy, healthy life in freedom. In SeaWorld, the median is 9 years. A short, depressing, unhealthy life in a prison. Says a lot, right?
The last orca born at SeaWorld, in San Antonio, died shortly after birth. SeaWorld is seriously evil. They should shut it down.
At the Mirage in Las Vegas, they have kept dolphins there since 1990, and quite a few of them have died.
Have you guys seen Blackfish? They show a video of it. And this isn't even the only time. Sure, SeaWorld says Blackfish is a lie, but SEA WORLD is saying it. Does SeaWorld sound like a reliable source?
And PETA literally tried to explain all this, but you guys just denied them. Seriously! I respect opinions, but people denying someone and siding with the other who has the SAME idea is just absurd!
They should not be taken away for someone to see or abuse. Go to the wild and look. If you love the sea, you would take care of it.
In the wild, orcas are very social.
At SeaWorld, they are placed in tanks by themselves, which causes depression.
Do healthy animals in the wild need drugs? Nope. Do animals in SeaWorld need them? Yes. They give them psychoactive drugs. They show troubling behaviors that would require these drugs, but it says a lot that they need them in the first place.
In 2011, they stole baby penguins for their exhibit. Emperor penguins are known for being dedicated caretakers, and this probably broke the poor things' hearts. This is recent too!
That's awful! They should take them back!
Yeah, it's basically Cirque du Soleil Aquatic Edition.
They are mean to the animals and suck.
The Newcomers
This is actually a sign that the orcas are unhealthy. Orcas are supposed to have straight dorsal fins. The employees are even told to lie to visitors that it's perfectly normal.
Not only that, but the orcas have actually been known to bite on the metal bars in the enclosures, knocking out some of their teeth.
Orcas in the wild rarely have collapsed fins - only 1%, actually. You see, this is much more common for orcas in captivity because they are unhealthy. Trainers at SeaWorld are not trained marine biologists.
If you haven't already, please go to YouTube and watch orcas and dolphins being captured. It will break your heart, but you will realize just how evil places like this are.
Shut down SeaWorld.
I frankly don't care how the orcas are bred into a bathtub prison and forced to perform while dealing with health issues. The reality is that it started out much darker. Tilikum was ripped from his family against his will and confined to a concrete tank.
When Shamu was captured, her mother was shot with a harpoon right before her eyes! It's like going to a 5-year-old, taking out a gun, and shooting their mother right in front of them. Orcas have feelings, and that orca had to watch her mom die.
They continued slaughtering orcas, even putting rocks in their stomachs to make them sink to the ground so their deaths wouldn't be discovered. Does this sound like caring to you?
It's unhealthy, and SeaWorld puts some black paint on them so no one can see all the sunburns.
Hello?!? Duh, have you seen the cages? Animals try to harm themselves in order to escape such cruelty. SeaWorld has been told there is a sanctuary ready to give the poor orcas and dolphins some peace and happiness for the rest of their lives.
It's a part of the ocean sectioned off and about 50 times bigger than the cages they are in at the moment. There, they would be able to hunt live fish, communicate with any family members, feel the currents of the waves, and actually swim and dive properly like their bodies are built for.
Sounds great, right? Well, not to SeaWorld. They're making millions from these darling creatures, and regardless of what they say about 'family,' they couldn't care less as long as they're making money.
Sorry, that was really long, but it annoys me so much. I think there is a petition online to rehabilitate captured animals into the sanctuary. Please fill it out to give the poor animals a chance at happiness. I, for one, think they deserve it after decades of torture.
Everything they say is nothing more than brazen lies!
Just look at what they did to Atlantis.
They took away the scary elements and made it boring.
One time, an orca killed a person who worked there, and then everybody started going crazy about it. Well, guess what? If I were that whale, I would kill people who were abusing me too. Thanks for this list.
In the wild, there isn't a single reported killing of humans by orcas or dolphins. However, there are many from captivity. I rest my case.
Some employees have actually been killed by the whales!
And dolphins. Yes, of course they are. They're fed antidepressants to attempt to make them not suicidal. Seriously now, look up Lolita the orca's tank, then compare it to orcas in the wild and play a little game of spot the difference.
By the way, you will be there for years.
They lied that orcas were not captured and about the dorsal fins and Blackfish.
The trainers have no marine biology educational background. They are simply performers.