Top Ten Amusing Alternative Messages TheTopTens Admins Could Have Given Us

The Top Ten
1 The list you have made consists of fraud, doc dropping, vandalism and just awful, for this reason we shall see you in court

If I was a user I would retire if I see this! I doubt that he say other things besides saying that he approve the list!

Superhyperdude, I have reason to find you bereft of all charges. NOT!

2 You sure about this list, it's just a bunch of reasons why you're so awesome
3 This list is so cool, very creative, so funny, wow

I hope admin sends me a message like that when I make a list!

That would make the day of any user who receives this.

We honestly do think this about lists quite often.

Oh, please, you guys flatter me...

4 We have improved the 1,685,378,624,075,084 installment of why Justin Bieber is a nazi

I think a list like that would get lots of votes

Wow, have you been keeping track?

5 You have to have some titanium balls to make this offensive list

I have thought this a lot.

6 Hi... this list has some few problems like... lots of problems, you have problems
7 This is some great Darude Sandstorm banter
8 I mother****** **** ** ***** **** **** **** ******** **** love this ****

That's one way to say you like the list...

9 Ok, so we just read this list and it didn't make sense so, we're just going to approve it so people can solve this

There are definitely lists that take some work to decipher.

Haha! I've read some lists like that!

I wish that would be sent to me! Haha!

10 This list is too emotional to be approved so we've merged it into the list of feels
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