Best Baseball Quotes Ever

The Top Ten
1 "I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth." - Lou Gehrig

This quote is very meaningful and very famous

3 "We will see you tomorrow night." - Jack Buck
4 "See ya!" - Michael Kay
5 "You can put it on the booooooooaaaaaarrrd...YES!" - Hawk Harrelson
6 "Go crazy folks, go crazy!" - Jack Buck
7 "I don't believe what I just saw!" - Jack Buck
8 "In a year so improbable, the impossible has happened." - Vin Scully
9 "Little roller up along first...behind the bag! It gets through Buckner! Here comes Knight, and the Mets win it!" - Vin Scully
10 "My, oh my!" - Dave Niehaus
The Contenders
11 "Baseball is 90% mental and the other half is physical" - Yogi Berra
12 "Mercy!" - Hawk Harrelson
13 "Touch 'em all, Joe, you'll never hit a bigger home run in your life!" - Tom Cheek
14 "That's a clown question, bro." - Bryce Harper
15 "How about that" - Mel Allen
16 "It is high, it is far, it is gone!" - John Sterling
17 "Hit 'em where they ain't." - Shoeless Joe Jackson
18 "Bill Dickey is learning me his experience" - Yogi Berra
19 "I Don't know if he throws a spitball, but he sure spits on the ball" - Casey Stengel
20 "This is gonna be a tough play, Bryant. The Cubs WIN THE WORLD SERIES! Bryant makes the play. It's Over! And the Cubs have finally won it all!" -Joe Buck

This is when they won it all.

21 “There’s no crying in baseball!” - Jimmy Dugan
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