Top 10 Best Beyblade Metal Fusion Beys
Earth Eagle is the strongest Bey ever. It has amazing defense and a lot of stamina. Eagle can last longer in a battle because of its wide defense performance tip, which allows it to spin longer at a slower speed.
Mine has beaten Flame Byxis, Burn Fireblaze, Gravity Destroyer (Perseus), Earth Virgo, Galaxy Pegasus, Lightning L-Drago, Twisted Tempo, Grand Cetus (Blue), Thermal Pisces, and Storm Pegasus.
Earth Eagle is pretty good, but it performs poorly with today's new Zero-G and 4D system parts. The Energy Ring Eagle has good synergy with the Fusion Wheel Earth, leading to even weight distribution and improved stamina and defense. The 145 Spin Track is beneficial for attack and stamina, but it is still outclassed by today's new parts. WD is top-tier for stamina.
Overall, this Beyblade is a great buy but cannot measure up to new Beys. Be sure to customize it by adding a 100 Spin Track and a Metal Face, and you will destroy!
I own a Burn Fireblaze, and it's the best Bey I own! Sometimes I switch the metal performance tip with my Lightning L-Drago's tip, and it still defeats my dad's Beys. My dad uses Sagittario, Poison Scorpio, Galaxy Pegasus, Rock Scorpio, and Storm Pegasus, and I've beaten all of them many times!
I love Burn Fireblaze and win with either L-Drago's tip or the original metal tip! I wish it was at the top of this list because, to me, it should be.
Burn Fireblaze is a beast. It is my first Bey, and it beat all my other 53. Boom. It has very good stamina, okay defense, and decent attack.
My Burn Fireblaze made 8 cracks in my Basalt Horogium, dismantled my Meteo L-Drago, and took out my Galaxy Pegasus in one shot.
The first thing is that it's my first Beyblade. I got it as a gift and was very happy. Next, coming to performance, it has nice stamina, and the spinning power is nice.
The fusion wheel it has looks very nice and has a nice defensive and attacking strategy. So, I love Rock Leone. Go Leone!
Rock Leone is the best Bey because it has nice stamina, and sometimes it also attacks very well. Rock Leone really rocks. There is no such Bey that can defeat it.
Rock Leone is a tough, stabilized Bey that can hardly be knocked over with its amazingly strong Rock Fusion Wheel and sturdy-built components. This Beyblade has a wide ball performance tip which helps knock the opponent away from defeating it.
Poison Serpent has many good features, and it also has a spin track that has two modes: attack and defense. This makes it harder to defeat because you don't know which mode it is in.
The poison in Poison Serpent really works on Beys because he gets more power with each Bey he defeats!
I think Poison Serpent is the second-best Bey because its metal wheel has 15 blades, and it has good balance.
This Beyblade has a totally insane spin track that can keep the Bey standing strong and sturdy for almost forever. Its Gravity Bowl Spin Track keeps it standing stronger than ever and never lets any Beyblade touch it until it is weakened.
Earth Virgo is my Bey. I have beaten nearly all my friends with it. The Bey I could not beat was Lightning L-Drago because of the rubber part on the fusion wheel. Once, I didn't tighten the face bolt properly, so when Fury Capricorn attacked my Virgo, it went to pieces.
I believe Earth Virgo is a girl because, on the face bolt, you see long hair. Thank you.
If anyone actually has an attack stadium, you would know L-Drago is amazing. The Hasbro stadiums suck! L-Drago can KO Earth Eagle and other stamina Beys easily, and it can usually outlast good defense Beys. Plus, the 100 and HF parts aren't bad either. And really, guys... Hasbro gave it good stats, and it looks cool. Get real.
It is the best and the strongest Bey in the whole Beyblade Metal Fusion series. I think it is stronger than Rock Leone. If you want to buy a Bey, just buy this one.
My Light Draco Destructor broke Big Bang Pegasus, Dark Wolf, and Hell Kerbecs into pieces. Lightning L-Drago can't even stand a chance against it.
He should be the best Beyblade in the world. He has good stamina, balance, and defense. I love the Beyblade a lot. I practice with him and also do tricks with him.
I think Aries is the best Beyblade because it beat my Earth Eagle badly! And it destroyed my friend's Beyblade, breaking it into four pieces. It's not even usable now.
Rock Aries is powerful and strong, though I like Clay Aries more.
This is a great quality Bey with a great spin track that can defend against a low attack type while zooming through the opponent with a hard lunge, ensuring that the Bey will be defeated.
Amazing defense and stamina. It withstands any attack. I have him (and always win). Plus, he's easy to get.
I gave my Storm Pegasus a semi-flat performance tip, which gives it more attack, speed, and balance. It took out my Meteo L-Drago, Dark Bull, sent my Leone flying out of the stadium, and beat Sagittario, my Burn Fireblaze, Galaxy Pegasus, and plenty of other Beyblades. It is amazing.
I can spin it first, wait 20 seconds, then spin Fireblaze, and Pegasus will win.
He's in most of the shows. He's my favorite character, and he beat most of the people. Here is a list of my favorite Beyblades: L-Drago, Serpent, and Pegasus. I love Pegasus, not in a romantic way.
Have a good time battling! Beat Dark Wolf for Andrew White the 2nd. Oh, beat Serpent and Libra. I like Serpent, but he wasn't the best for me. Storm Pegasus, take care! Serpent too. I have Cyber Pegasus, Galaxy Pegasus, and I'm trying to get Storm Pegasus.
I think this Beyblade is a 1,000,000/1,000,000! I love it! It destroys all the rest, even Gravity Destroyer! I share it with my brother. We think Evil Gemios is the best Beyblade ever!
We think you should vote for it and raise its percentage as much as possible. Evil Gemios is unbeatable in its defense.
Evil Gemios is a great Beyblade. It beat my Flame Sagittario. It is a really strong Beyblade. So far, it has also beaten my Galaxy Pegasus.
The best Bey... It can win against Rock Leone, so it should be ranked third. But it cannot beat Earth Eagle...
The Newcomers
It is the most awesome Beyblade.
I have Rock Orso, and I don't personally think it's good, but it's a fact. I put it up against Rock Leone, and it wrecked it within seconds.
Rock Orso owns. He beat Hyper Aquario, Rock Leone, and several others.
This Beyblade has a unique performance tip which can only work with the M145 spin track. When launched, this Bey is heavy and can leap onto another Beyblade.
*WARNING: This Bey can sometimes be a little weird as it jumps through the BeyStadium.*
Storm Capricorn has a diagonal performance tip which makes him jump.
Great stamina, great defense... You just have to have the touch for it, as it can wobble around a lot if not handled properly!
Storm Aquario is my first Beyblade, and it keeps taking out my sister's Rock Aries.
My Storm Aquario 100 HF won against everything. I have 26 Beys and many combinations! So, if any Bey were to face mine, it would be defeated.
The only one that came close to beating it was Earth Sagittarius GB145 BS. That is why my Bey can never be beaten.
Pisces is an excellent Bey. I have it, and it can beat almost all my Beys, except Phantom Orion and Earth Eagle. It needs to be among the top five. It has an excellent attack and even better stamina.
Its fusion wheel and tip are great. It's a superb Bey in battles and looks cool. Trust me, just buy it.
My first Beyblade and it's my favorite! I beat everyone with this today. I smashed Earth Eagle and demolished Poison Serpent!
Looking forward to many more wins with this slick, cool-looking Beyblade. It's the best-looking Bey!
The best Bey ever. It defeated Hell Kerbecs, Earth Eagle, Dark Wolf, Meteo L-Drago, Lightning L-Drago, Gravity Perseus, Rock Zurafa, Ray Unicorn, Galaxy Pegasus, Twisted Tempo, Diablo Nemesis, etc. My friend launched his Ray Unicorn and Lightning L-Drago on top of my Wolf. The Unicorn's energy ring and Drago's performance tip broke.
It happens to have a unique ability to fight when needed. When Meteo L-Drago tried to absorb its spin, it absorbed Meteo's spin, which I found awesome. You name it, this cool Bey can beat it. It has a perfect blend of defense, attack, and stamina. So please vote for this cool Bey.
Rock Pegasus is a good stamina type, but it's a great defense and balance Beyblade. It's so fun to use and easy to beat people with.
This Beyblade attacks aggressively through the Bey stadium. He is capable of defeating opponents with many loops, tricks, and surprises.
This Beyblade is really amazing. When I shoot it, it spins around the arena and takes out all of the competition.
I have one. It's about an average Beyblade. I recommend it at an average level.
He is awesome. His whole Bey looks sweet, and his defense is unbelievably strong.
Why is this so low? It beat Cyber Pegasus and was still going strong! Great performance, good defense, and stamina.