Top 10 Companies with the Best Commercials
Think back to those ads that made you laugh out loud, cry unexpectedly, or feel that surge of inspiration that only great marketing can provide. Companies know a brilliant commercial can stick with you for years - the jingle becomes your favorite earworm, the catchphrase something you and your friends quote endlessly.But who does it best? Who are the brands behind those commercials you always remember? It's time for you to have your say! We want to know the companies you think consistently create advertisements that are funny, moving, and unforgettable.

Could switching to Geico really save 15% or more on car insurance? Does a former drill sergeant make a terrible therapist? Is a bird in the hand worth two in the bush? Do woodchucks chuck wood? Man, I miss those "rhetorical questions" commercials.
We've got the Mayhem Man commercials (my personal favorite), the commercials comparing people who like cable to people who like when bad things happen to them, and the classics like the Final Countdown one and the Old McDonald one.
OMG, I love the money pile. It's awesome, and so is the music!

I like the music they play in some of them. That girl, Kina Grannis, is such a great singer/songwriter. They're much better than babies talking like middle-aged men. That's not creative at all.
Remember the Super Bowl one where a kid was riding a dog like a horse? That was just wow.
The best and funniest commercials out there are from Doritos. Great advertising!

These ads are so random and are played so much I think I've memorized one.
"Woman: I'm leaving you, Wesley.
Man: But why?
Woman: You haven't noticed me in two years.
Man: I was in a coma...
Woman: But I still deserve appreciation.
Man: Who was there for you when you had amnesia?
Woman: Ugh, you know I can't remember that!
Progressive Lady: Stop this madness. If it's appreciation you want, you should both get Snapshot from Progressive. It rewards good drivers with big discounts on car insurance.
Susan Lucci: I have news. I have also woken up from amnesia.
Man: It's called a nap, Susan Lucci."

The one that aired in the middle of the night - Jake from State Farm. The lady's voice messed up and stuff. It was terrifying.
Now look at the vote button, now back to me, now back at the voting button, now back to me.
How many licks does it take to get to the center? The world may never know.
This commercial shows up all the time, and I love it!
When you don't vote for DirecTV, you get unhappy with yourself. When you get unhappy with yourself, you try to feel better. When you try to feel better, you lie to yourself, saying you're the best. When you lie to yourself, you lie to other people. When you lie to other people, you tell them that you're a pro wrestler. When you tell them you're a pro wrestler, they find you a manager.
When they find you a manager, that manager makes you tough. When your manager makes you tough, you have to fight a voice-activated dummy. When you fight a voice-activated dummy, you talk trash to the dummy. When you talk trash to the dummy, the dummy punches you in the face. When the dummy punches you in the face, you fall into a coma.
When you fall into a coma, your wife abandons you. When your wife abandons you, she has another baby. When she has another baby, he starts calling you Uncle Dummy. Don't have your wife's son call you Uncle Dummy. Vote for DirecTV today.

The Newcomers

I used to see this commercial all the time circa 2011-2012 at my old apartment.

I love their commercial with Lil Nas X and Elton John in it. I'm talking about the one where Lil Nas X is riding on a motorized horse, and Elton John is riding on a motorized rocket.

E*Trade babies and the getting old commercials are my favorites. I think you are number one.
The best Budweiser commercials of all time for me were the Bud Bowl. Budweiser vs. Bud Light in an epic battle made for the Super Bowl. It all takes place at the long-gone Old Busch Stadium in St. Louis, Missouri.
It's Joeysworld.
Even if you don't drink, these guys still make the best commercials! The Here We Go commercial is one of the best in the last ten years.

Anyone remember the food chain one?

Gimme back dat Filet-O-Fish,
Gimme dat fish.
Gimme back dat Filet-O-Fish,
Gimme dat fish.
What if it were you hanging up on this wall?
If it were you in that sandwich, you wouldn't be laughing at all!
"Give me back that Filet-O-Fish!"
I also love the older one where the girl tries her boyfriend's McNuggets, asks him for some napkins, and eats them all while he's gone.

The commercials are a little boring, but I like the jingle! "877-241-LUNA!"

I liked every Snickers commercial except for the Ric Flair commercial. Every time there is a Wooo, I just want to end it all.
Get some nuts and vote for Snickers!