Top 10 Worst Things About Family Guy

The Top Ten
The Meg hating gag

Meg isn't worth all the hate, and it's just stupid watching them hate on her. A person would actually kill their brother rather than go to the prom with her, really. The sad thing about the Meg hating gag is that the reason why they hate her so much is because none of the writers know how to write for a teenage girl.

Meg doesn't deserve to be hated so much at school and at home. I'd honestly be her friend if I had the chance because she's literally one of the only good characters in the show.

I haven't watched much of Family Guy, but I think this should be number 1!

The long gags

Seriously, I hate these so much. All they do is either say something long, have a cutaway that's long, or drag out an unfunny joke.

The show could definitely do without them. They're pointless beyond belief.

The characters have become unlikable

The internal and external characterizations of the characters are not as relatable as they used to be, unfortunately.

If characters in Family Guy existed in real life, they would be shot.

It tries too hard to be funny

Family Guy is just a show that tries way too hard to be funny. It's barely ever funny because there are only a couple of scenes that made me laugh. At least The Simpsons and South Park are actually funny and good shows that make me laugh.

Seth was better at writing kids' shows in the 90s. Johnny Bravo, Dexter's Laboratory, I Am Weasel, and Cow and Chicken.

It is getting worse and worse

Family Guy is just rubbish.

The Simpsons is a classic. In the UK, on Sky One and Channel 4, we have had Simpsons days which featured hours of Simpsons episodes. Channel 4 mostly shows 90s episodes on the weekends, while Sky One shows a mix. I don't think ITV2 ever had Family Guy days, and it's not because it's not as old as The Simpsons. They have had Simpsons days since the 90s.

They have reached the point where the show must stop. Most episodes now seem to try to make fun of real life rather than other shows. They know too much about real people and imitate them badly.

Over the top violence
Overuse of sexual content
It's offensive

It's an adult cartoon. What did you expect? Although, I can agree Modern Family Guy sucks based on what I've heard from others and clips I've seen from bad modern episodes.

Back then, it was offensive in a funny way. Now it's just trying to offend the audience.

So what if it's offensive? Just learn to take a joke.

Really boring episodes
The jokes are disgusting

The Newcomers

? The art style

The art style makes the characters look so bad that it gets cringey.

? Too much toilet humor

Toilet humor isn't funny at all, in my opinion, except for the toilet humor in South Park because they somehow make it funny. And there's literally a scene where Peter chases Meg around with farts.

The Contenders
It rips off The Simpsons

Peter shot Meg just for saying "Hi," whereas Lisa called Homer a "baboon" (Lisa's Substitute, Season 2 Episode 19). Homer, however, was still nice to her even after that and tried to make her feel better, whereas Peter shot Meg just for saying "Hi"! That's why I hate Peter so much!

Peter is a stupider version of Homer but more violent. He shot his daughter for saying "Hi." But have you ever heard of The Samsonadzes?

The Griffins are mean, cold, and heartless people
It makes fun of black people

This is pretty much the worst part, in my opinion. I'm biracial, and this is just offensive to me. It really cuts deep that Family Guy would say such horrible things about black people.

It's very mean spirited
It's not funny

One thing South Park can do but Family Guy can't is make me laugh.

Peter is abusive

Peter Griffin should be in jail for the rest of his life because he's done so many bad things. He shot his daughter Meg because she said hi to him, engaged in child pornography, committed arson, robbed banks, beat up random people (sometimes even for no reason), abused animals, and more.

Homer is called a jerk-ass, but he is nicer than Peter. Who do you think is the real jerk-ass?

I know, right? Peter sucks, and Homer could whoop some respect into Peter!

It's still on the air
Too many pointless stories
It makes fun of religion
Quagmire's hatred for Brian

Sure, Quagmire has some points about Brian being a jerk. But Quagmire being honest about his own flaws is not the reason for that hatred. Brian tries, although he fails, to overcome his flaws. Quagmire doesn't. Brian helped his son become better. Quagmire did that too with some of his daughters but still has many kids he doesn't even know about.

Brian is more mature than Quagmire. To tell you the truth, I actually had thoughts about Brian getting revenge on Quagmire, but it sadly never happened. Brian actually got killed off in an episode, and Quagmire obviously never cared at his funeral. God, I want to punch this jerk. Brian is my second favorite character on the show (my first favorite is Meg). I can't believe why Brian gets so much hate from Quagmire for no reason at all. - Gehenna

It’s more dark than funny
The jokes are cheesy
It makes 9/11 jokes
All the Griffins do is abuse each other

Peter Griffin is the most abusive of them all.

It's extremely sexist
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