Top Ten Reasons to Hate Feminists

The Top Ten
They think they can't be slapped by a man but can slap one

This is the story about how me and my brother met a feminist ok so my brother was 7 at the time and we were at the park and he was having fun then BOOM some girl came over and punched my brother did I mention she was 10 and he cried and she LAUGHED of course I was ticked that some random 10 year old girl punched my brother so I confront her then she said "I'm a girl so he can't do anything" she said and then she kicked dust in his face that's when I just snapped I was the same age as her as well and I pushed her and walked away and no I didn't tell the teacher because she SAW what she did and did NOTHING instead I told my friend then she told me that she was taking karate to beat up random boys that were younger than her and I was shocked. Well that's my story

They tried to get rid of Father's day

To the idiot who says that feminists are not man haters, you're twisted. Not ALL feminists are man haters, but many are because I've seen them firsthand and the Internet and news showcase a lot of them. I'm all for supporting women's rights including equal pay and all that stuff, but many feminists attempt to exalt their gender above men, saying that they "do everything better than men" or "men are nothing but sexist". And then you try to argue that by saying "YOU CAME OUT OF A WOMAN". Well, duh, that's a common fact of life. Why would you even mention that if you're talking about gender equality? Men can't get pregnant so why even use that as an argument? Use something that men AND women can do and then your argument is justified. There are many reasons to hate feminists, which is why I'm not a male feminist because I don't want to be caught up in that sort of crap, but like I said, I'm all for women's rights and I'll most definitely support them when necessary.

The always want to be superior

Highly true. As I said before, there are a lot of feminists who try to exalt their gender above men, and that basically makes them hypocrites.

Feminists: People who fight for the equality between men and women
Feminazis: People who fight for the superiority of women over men
This list is obviously reffering to Feminazis, not Feminists. Don't call all feminists Feminazis.

Seems like it to me. And that makes them downright arrogant. Hell, who do they think that they are, the queens of Earth? Screw them and their supporters! >:(

They think all men are rapists and murders

How ' and closed-minded sexist of those feminists! Just because there are guys who chauvinistic to them, it gives them no right to be chauvinistic in return. By being sexist back at sexist men, they're no better than those bigots.

They project their own filthy, obscene delusions, borne from their own insanity and raging mental illness, onto totally innocent heterosexual men.

What about the women, no one seems to care about the crime they do

They lie about rape

Well, those are excuses for true feminists.

I'm a woman & I NEVER do lie about that!

They want to go topless

Feminist means that a person ( man or woman) who believes that women should have equal rights and pay as men do. The women who claim they're feminist but want to be superior than men, and only put them down, are nothing but posers and give feminist a bad name.

I'm a woman who is probably a feminist, and I don't agree with going topless, or free the nipple thing. I don't think it's necessary, and women can just put on a tank top or bikini if they're hot. If it's still hot, it's not really going to make a big difference when you do take your top off.

I believe that there are less numbers of men and women who ACTUALLY believe that breasts are natural, while there are more numbers of women who want to use the shirtless as a dating tactic to lure more dates, and men who want to see attractive women being shirtless. Those larger numbers of people will body shame women who are big, old, or have scars on their body, while the lesser number of people won't even be bothered by it.

Another reason why I believe Free The Nipple thing is a bad idea, what about the young girls who started developing, and wouldn't that put them and women in more danger with the predators? Also wouldn't some of the women accuse innocent men for noticing that she's shirtless, and falsely calls them a pervert that may lead to damage his life with that kind of false reputation?

Also people can't even stand or get pass the part with mothers breasts feeding their babies in public. Why go shirtless when they're just going to complain about numbers of people staring at them. That's like me walking around naked in town and telling everyone to stop staring, or walking in a lion's den with meat wrapped around me, and telling the lion to stop looking at me all hungry.

If women could go shirtless then men can go pantsless. Free the balls!

They call you "sexist" all the time.

How ironic of them to call their enemies sexist all the time when they're the sexist ones.

They want to ruin the video game industry

I once saw a video called *Battlefield 1 is sexist apparently* And I once saw a project that failed about female video game characters

Look no further than my country, Australia. Look at how many games we have banned. It is ridiculous.

Feminists who do that don't deserve to be employed.

They think women are better

This list is disgusting. Most feminists don't think women are better- they just want equality. We are treated as lesser people, and feminists are a group that says that's disgusting and they want change. Some people are this way, but most feminists aren't.

Isn't the meaning of being feminist for equal rights between males and females?

My girlfriend is a feminist. She doesn't think this one bit!... Does she?

They want men in concentration camps

If that's true, then (the feminazis) they ought to be put in concentration camps and see how they like it.

Incarcerate julie bindel in Auschwitz. And human filth like sheila jeffries, cathy brennen, gail dines, pamela o' shaunessey and other such vermin as well.

Not me, we wouldn't be able to reproduce.

The Newcomers

? They think having different beliefs is sexist
? Quite a few support abortion
The Contenders
They hate porn

This is a tough thing to comment on, going against these comments will make me seem like some sort of pervert, but I don't see the issue with this topic. The amount of people who are commenting on this make me believe that the people are either trying to take some sort of moral high ground, or are just young. The feeling of lust is something inescapable for most human beings past a certain age (those who are asexual obviously are the exception).

Ugh... This is going to be tough. Ok, it's good to hate porn, but being hypocritical is, you know, is bad. I know porn can really ruin people's lives, but hypocritically can do that too, as well as everything else. This comment might make people see me as a pervert, but hypocritically is a bad idea.

They are hypocritical

While claiming to want equality: they want to be heard but won't listen to others, want to be validated but won't validate others, and want to be respected but won't respect others. I encountered this miserable hypocrisy in every single feminist community I encountered. Even trying different types of feminism made no difference.

Certain ones are. One example of how they're hypocritical is that they claim men to be sexist when they're the sexist ones.

They have no logic

The feminists who have no logic are the radical ones.

They are triggered all the time, but make hilarious memes

There's nothing hilarious about feminism. Hell, many feminists think that they're so funny. But their kind of humor sucks.

The memes are the best but feminists in general make my skin crawl.

They hate KFC

Maybe because that restaurant has breasts, which they mistake for their mammary glands.

That makes no sense. These are all just opinions.

They think only men can be sexist
They don't shave

If men can acceptably walk around with hairy bodies, then why shouldn't women? If a lady doesn't want to shave, then she doesn't have to in order to be "pretty." If a man wants to shave, then he can go right ahead. I think Feminism has been confused with man-hating, which is not feminism, but sexism. Feminism is an advocacy for women's rights, no more.

Armpits and pubic hair are just... Disgusting!

They hate men

Not all feminists do. But the radical ones, who are feminazis, are sexist to men. And so, they're the feminists who should be removed from the face of the planet for good.

That is not true feminism, that is fake feminism.

Wrong. The internet hates Feminists.

They think anything remotely offensive to them is sexual assault
It's not relevant anymore. (In the US)

Feminists go the middle east and get to work!

Yes it is the gender wage gap, etc

They ignore female child molesters

There is not a lot of them and you never hear about them but if once there is one I’ll acknowledge it and not ignore it

They ruined The Powerpuff Girls

It wasn't Cartoon Network's fault.

And I thought CN ruined it, but I firgued out the Feminazis were the actual reason why PPG Reboot were bad show.

They think anyone who isn't a feminist is racist, sexist etc.
They are trying to destroy the civilized society that we have got after the French revolution.
They call you sexist if you do not support Hillary Clinton
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