Top Ten Types of People that Bullies Grow Up to Be

Plenty of lists involve bullies, but do you ever wonder if a bully you knew grew up to be a good person? What if you knew a bully who was so bad to you and everyone that they never actually got their act together and got suspended from school? These are some possible outcomes to what school bullies end up becoming later in life.
The Top Ten
1 Criminals

That's sadly true unfortunately!

2 Homeless

Not enough care in the world!

3 Drug Dealers
4 Rapists

That is disturbing!

5 Social Justice Warriors

Well, sometimes, but some are just bad at their job and get offended over everything no matter what it is.

Wait... Isn't this a good thing? They're fighting for equality!

6 Street Performers
7 Single Parents

One spouse deserves better then the other.

8 Fast Food Workers

If they don’t take school seriously, then they will grow up to get a bad job like a trash collector or a worker in a fast food restaurant. If they were to take school seriously and not bully kids, then they might get a better job like a doctor or an engineer!

9 Telemarketers
10 Serial Killers

It's NEVER an excuse to end people's lives because God, who is our creator both start & end lives of all living things!

The Contenders
11 Sexists
12 Stupid People
13 Terrorists
14 Murderers
15 Idiots
16 Prostitutes
17 Racist
18 Karens
19 Dictators

Adolf Hitler for an example?

20 Better People

If only this really were true in most cases! But actually it's more common that they become worse.

Some bullies do actually change and stop being mean to others.

It depends if people learned their lesson or not!

21 Trash Collectors
22 Lobbyists
23 Politicians
24 Rappers
25 Car Dealers

Yeah they probably would already have the experience of lying!
Not that all car dealers lie though, but still

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