Top 10 Ways for Parents to Improve Generation Alpha

It's bad enough that Generations Y and Z are very flawed so I've decided to make a list of ways to help Generation Alpha (2013-2025) be the best generation there is. It would be awesome to see the kids of this new generation grow up to be the best people possible in the 2030s or 2040s or so.

Note: I know that Generation Alpha is way too young at this point now so I decided to make this list for any parents right now who have any Generation Alpha kids.
The Top Ten
1 Educate Them With As Much Information as Possible
2 Teach Them Good Manners
3 Teach Them to Be Polite
4 Have Them Wait Until They're 13 to Use the Internet

Don't totally agree but the internet is they to find info about anything you want to learn about or interested in but maybe have restirctions

Why not? I am a millennial I didn't use the internet till I was a teenager.

The internet has a lot of things both good and bad. Even when they’re 13 you should be careful.

5 Don't Sexualize Them

It's a good thing got shut down but we really don't want any more kids under 18 looking sexy. Seriously don't do it.

6 Don't Encourage Them to Do Dumb Things
7 Let Them Know That Anger Leads to Consequences

I get that anger is natural but we really shouldn't strive to be angry. We have different ways to control our anger and you'll eventually hve to teach some of those ways to your children.

8 Don't Have Them Take Things Too Seriously

I get we have to be a little serious sometimes but there is such a thing as taking things too seriously.

Young kids now take everything seriously and strive to be know-it-all. Why

It seems like the younger generation gets offended over literally anything nowadays. Hate to break it to you but this world will offend you. There’s nothing you can do but deal with it. This world doesn’t give a damn if you feel offended. Also we need to stop being offended over things that aren’t offensive!

9 Have Them Go Outside More
10 Don't Let Them Use Tablets and Phones For a Long Period of Time

They are using mobile devices the day they are coming out of their millennial mom's bellies. Never have I seen a 2011-2019 born without a smartphone or tablet in their hands. I could only imagine how they will be like as teenagers. More addicted than gen y and z.

The Contenders
11 Have Them Dress Properly

I guess it depends on what you mean by this, but I honestly don't agree with this at all. You're not hurting anyone by wearing something that's generally considered unconventional or "improper".

12 Make Them Go to Church
13 Raise Them to Not Be Sexist
14 Stop Them From Going on Social Media as Young Children
15 Have Them Have a Healthy Diet
16 Teach Them Common Sense
17 Stop Them From Playing Age Inappropriate Games

Most Fortnite players are older kids and young teenagers which are definitely not gen alpha, yet.

18 Teach Them About Consent and Boundaries
19 Raise Them to Not Be Racist
20 Raise Them to Not Be Ableist
21 Monitor Their Online Activity
22 Have Them Watch Educational Programming
23 Raise Them to Not Be Prejudicial
24 Raise Them to Not Be a Bully
25 Teach Them to Not Swear
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