Top 10 Worst Things About Trump Supporters

Of course, none of these apply to ALL of his supporters.
The Top Ten
1 They believe everything Donald Trump says, not matter how ridiculous
2 They attack liberals unprovoked
3 A lot of them are bigots
4 They bash political correctness
5 Quite a few defend the KKK
6 They will gang up on anybody who claims that Trump has any flaws whatsoever
7 Some of them wear swastikas
8 They fail to believe that Trump has little political experience
9 They decry CNN as fake news instead of Fox News
10 They stormed and attacked the US Capitol
The Contenders
11 They threatened to start a Civil War if Trump loses the election
12 They believe the Coronavirus is fake
13 They tell non-white people including US citizens to go back to their country
14 They turned Pepe the Frog into an alt-right symbol
15 They decry Antifa and Black Lives Matter as terrorist organizations
16 They blamed Antifa and BLM supporters for storming the U.S. Capitol Building
17 They want Trump to pick Marjorie Taylor Greene or Kari Lake as his new Vice President
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