Top Ten Worst Types of Best Friends

The Top Ten
1 The friends that make you do their homework
2 The friends that make treat you like a slave
3 The friends that don’t help you when you need it
4 The friends that force you to do things you don’t want to
5 The friends that ditch you for the cool kids
6 The friends that call you a friend but truly aren’t
7 The friends that scream at you
8 The friends that show off their talent and brag about it
9 The friends that laugh at you when you do a stupid thing
10 The friends that steal your money
The Contenders
11 The friends that bully other people
12 The friends that talk badly about your other friends in front of you
13 The friends who force you to hate stuff they hate
14 The friends that are judgemental
15 The friends who force you to like stuff they like
16 The friends that want you to be their friend because of your identity instead of your personality
17 The friends that start petty drama
18 The friends who are self-absorbed
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