Top 10 Best Insults, Disses, and Burns
Alright, listen up, losers. We all know that one of the best things about being an alpha is being able to dish out some sick insults, disses, and burns. Whether it's telling someone their face looks like a pizza or their mom dresses them funny, there's nothing quite like putting someone in their place with a good insult.But let's not forget that this art form has been around for centuries. Yeah, that's right, even our ancestors were dishing out sick burns. From the ancient Greeks to Shakespeare to modern-day rappers, people have been slinging insults since the dawn of time.
And now, it's time to celebrate the best of the best. We've compiled a list of some of the most epic insults, disses, and burns of all time. From classic movie one-liners to hilarious Twitter clapbacks, these are the insults that have stood the test of time and continue to make us laugh today.
But we don't want this to be just our list. We want to hear from you, the people. That's right, even you dorks who always get picked last in gym class. We want you to vote for the choices you think deserve to be at the top of this list. And who knows, maybe you'll even learn a thing or two and be able to step up your own insult game.
I'm going to so use this one! This one is the BEST I've heard so far.
This is the funniest diss I've heard all day!
I am going to use this insult on my cousin who does not know one insult. I tell her all the time to get a new insult book, but she never does! I like this joke the best, and I read all of them!
This is absolutely amazing! Why isn't this number one? It's the most creative one I've seen that I haven't heard before. This is something to say to that person who bullies your friend or that guy who stole your bike.
It's so original, and I definitely will use this on all the asses I have to deal with.
My favorite insult for debate, especially for a certain ass cap on my team who just loves being a pain in my neck. Whoever thought of this comment deserves to be a billionaire.
Love it, haha! This is great. I would probably use this insult with someone who is a pretty close friend. Otherwise, it may backfire on you. Insulting someone's birth and their parents can potentially be devastating.
Great! I love this! I am so going to use it on everybody! This is the best insult in the world! I don't think anybody will hate this diss!
Nice! I actually laughed at this one. I might try it on a woman, although it will probably fail horribly. I want to see her reaction!
I just used this line in a battle of wits with my best friend! I laughed so hard when I heard this. He eventually lost the battle of insults, and this was my first stepping stone to victory! And yes, I would totally use this in any context. It's absolutely hilarious... It could get you into fights though.
This is absolutely brilliant. I can picture it happening. I really hope I can remember this one forever because I'm sure I'm going to need it eventually.
My sister told me this the other day, and she also said, "Hey, you must have fallen out of the ugly tree and hit all the branches on the way down!" She also asked, "Did you fall from heaven because your face is seriously messed up?" Laugh out loud. Love her!
I'm right now picturing the perfect way to use this fabulous diss. Props to whoever made this because I'm dying of laughter! But, it's not one of those insults that will make the person you're insulting laugh out loud, too.
I'm going to have to use this one because it's the funniest one on here.
This is genius. Pure genius. I have to use this the next time I see someone I hate.
This is the best one on here. It should be at the top. It is so great, I'm going to definitely use it all the time!
That was so tight, I couldn't even come up with that, and I'm Eminem.
I love it. I usually get called ugly at school and stuff by people, but those people are ugly on the inside. I know one day I'm gonna be so sexy that my charm will reach 95% of the guys. The other 5% are gay.
This insult made me and my friends laugh and settled the argument that we had with her ex-boyfriend. Thanks to this insult, I won, and he did not beat me. Keep the insults coming...
This is so amazing. My mom laughed when I told this to my brother. We were in the kitchen, and my brother called me a dumbass. And then I said, "You're so ugly when you popped out of your mom, the doctor said, 'Aww, what a treasure,' and your mom said, 'Yeah, let's bury it!'"
My mom laughed her ass off, and my brother was like, "For once in a long time, I actually feel insulted." Yeah, you feel insulted because you are embarrassed. All the girls who used to like you now hate you because they see your Frankenstein hair. Haha!
I said this to my boyfriend, and he got so insulted. But he was impressed at how witty I was! I love Hello Kitty, though. It's a classic toy. This is so genius and easy to remember. I'm going to use it all the time!
Thanks to this website, my boyfriend is even winding me up so I give him more witty insults. Brilliant!
When I read this, I started laughing, and I couldn't stop for a minute. When my parents asked me what was so funny, I tried to tell them, but I couldn't because I was laughing too much. This isn't even that funny. I don't know why I laughed so much, but I will use this!
Another bad insult, but I suggest you use it for critical situations as this insult could hurt emotions badly.
Haha, that's so funny! I used this in a cuss fight with my enemy, and he was speechless! My friends and I were laughing our heads off, and he had his usual shocked face with his mouth stretched!
It's even funnier because he wears glasses. You can't say I'm being rude to people who wear glasses because I wear glasses myself! Hehehehe, I can't stop laughing. Way to go, girl! P.S. I don't care if you're a boy.
I laughed so hard my face turned purple, and I blacked out for a second. Then I kept on laughing.
I did this to my mom as a prank because she always complains about her double chin, but now I'm grounded. Be careful what you say because it can get you to places you don't want to be.
This one is so funny! I used it on this guy at school after he told me to "go jump off the Empire State Building." It turned out to be true. He had something on his third chin.
The Newcomers
I'm in middle school, so everyone thinks they have a huge dick. I am definitely going to use this.
The intensity of this burn really depends on the context.
One day at school, the teacher informed everyone that it needed the class's attention. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I had a flashback to when I was watching SML Parodies and saw the part where they said they needed a new TV. I commented, "It's not that you need a new TV, you just really want it." This led me to jokingly tell the teacher, "You don't need it, you just really want it."
The more I thought about it, though, I realized there was something deeper here. It basically implied that the teacher didn't actually need attention, suggesting the teacher didn't matter. This was certainly one of the darker ways a teacher has been dismissed. If you were there, you'd have seen the teacher desperately trying to get the class's attention, only to be told, thanks to an SML parody flashback, that their efforts didn't matter.
I've always wanted to know how it was possible for some of the most horrible and stupidest people in the world to manage to win the race against 100,000 others. It makes me wonder what all of those others would have made...
Hahaha, I said something like this to this boy in my class. I mean, seriously, some people were dropped as babies, but he was CLEARLY thrown at the wall!
I hope I can remember this next time I need a comeback off the top of my head. So far, out of all the comments, this is by far my favorite. Hilarious!
"I love this," I said to a friend, but they didn't understand. They responded with a puzzled "Uh, okay?" and I thought to myself, "Never mind..." I wish my friend had reacted better because I find it hilarious!
Haha, that's just amazing! This is very helpful to me because many annoying and boring guests come to my home to disturb me and my cool life! Uh, just hate those people! I will use it on each and every annoying guest!
I could use this as a joke with friends. I could use a slight remix of this when leaving a conversation after an argument. I could use this anywhere!
That joke is like the funniest joke in the history of funny jokes. I just have to try it with somebody!
That is so hilarious. Now I know what to use on those creeps near my high school!
Hilarious! That burn includes the entire victim's family and throws him/her under the bus too!
I like a lot of these! This one just seems like something you could use so often. On Halloween, you could say to your friend or enemy, "Oh, I see that you've already got your costume on. Oh wait..."
Yeah, honestly, a great roast is really funny and a great way to tell someone that they're ugly without saying it. The thing is, what if it's October or close to Halloween?
LOL! If I were to end that, I would try touching their face and peel it off, and then say, "This isn't a mask? Feel sorry for you. Your sibling must have superglued it on you when you were still young. At least your parents don't have to spend much money on your Halloween costume every year!"
Sorry, it's a bit long, but I think I improved it a bit!
Yo mama jokes? I was waiting for something better, but this is still awesome. I'm gonna use it on my bully. The website is awesome. Thanks, keep it up!
Haha, it's useful for stupid people who won't know what you're talking about. I laughed so much at this one! I'm going to use it on my enemy!
Ha ha. That is the best insult ever. This joke should be the first-best diss, not the 20th best. I will use that everywhere.
Classic insult. I don't remember who actually said it first.
Please apply cold ice to burned area because you just got burned!
That would be a good one to use on me because I love nature.
There are these boys in my school (who are a pain in the butt and annoying, but hey, that's boys for you). So, we had a roast battle, and of course, I used this one. I nearly got in trouble because of this since they're such snitches.
I'm going to try that on my friend. We tease each other a lot, and he always pretends to get angry. Then I have to apologize, otherwise, he won't talk to me.
This one is a good one for people who need to stand up for themselves if someone is dissing them.
That's so funny! I am laughing, and my mom walked in. She asked what happened, so I told her she peed her pants. I am voting for you because you have the best one. My friend is obsessed with chicken too.
At first, I was confused. Then, after the second time I read it, I laughed so hard that I think my chair broke. I think I am the one who is fat.
I shared this with my family, and they all laughed so bad my sister fell off her chair and carried on laughing.
I told that to someone who was so annoying that they stopped talking to me. I also tried it with others, and it worked. So, thanks!
Laughed for hours! I used it in a little dissing fight sort of thing, and I had the last say. The guy actually ran away out of shame.
I am totally using this on some kid in my school in my third-period class. His head is so big, and I can barely see the board.
A feasibly sensible joke about life, death, and everything in between. Excellent.
Sounds like something that Little Bunny would say. I think it was Happy Bunny. It has one giant square with an insulting bunny.
This is going to be amazing to use in the future. I will definitely use this. Very good comeback.
I used this one on my sister, and she lost it. She tried threatening me with a hockey stick and then started talking rubbish, like all other sisters do. She stormed off huffing and puffing, as if she was going to blow the house down. Now, if you're looking for a diss, this is the one.
This one is so good, better than the rest. Use it on your friends during fights. That's what I did, and she didn't have a comeback! Continue doing whatever you call this because it's excellent!
This totally needs to be number 1 in high school disses. Like, these would put people into shame. They wouldn't dare mess with you again. And I should know because I'm a star disser.
That was one of the funniest on this page, literally had me on the floor dying. I could use this on my enemies or my cousins or my sister, and I bet they will give me a look, but it'll be worth it.
Very good - excellent for people who don't have friends! (We all know someone like that, don't we?)
Hahaha, that is so awesome! Wow, that is just... wow! Just amazing! It's so funny. My friend said it to someone, and he didn't have any comeback!
Oh boy, this one is good. My explanation is that she's so fat that when she jumped into the Atlantic Ocean, the water came out. No water is there, and it was a desert.
We are having a diss match, and I just found the perfect one. Love it, thank you for posting it.
It's a really cool one. I can use it on my enemies to annoy and offend them real bad.
Haha! No one ever uses the term "visible fart." You're an awesome writer!
This one is pretty good. I'm surprised there are no comments!
One of the funniest insults I've ever read, seen, or heard. Hilarious and rude!
I used this on a guy in my class who makes fun of my name. He said, "Oh yeah, well at least I'm not the ugly one here!" Then I used one of the other insults higher on the list and said, "I could eat alphabet soup and crap out a better comeback."
He cried later that day. Now everyone in class calls me "Comeback Bill."
I was roasting this one girl who is super rude for no reason and was trying to roast me. Then, when I said this, she was so destroyed she threw up in the trash (her face would have worked too. It might have even looked better).