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New ListTop 10 Losers in the First Round of the 2024 NFL Draft1. Atlanta Falcons
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JindrichSkalicky voted for Hornet Queen on the list of Top 10 Best Magic: The Gathering Cards
Vote cast for Jim Gilmour on the list of Best Progressive Rock Keyboardists
New comment on Moon x Qibli in the list of Top Ten Best Wings of Fire Ships

cThis time, I'm just going to rant about Winterwatcher without voting for it B)
So Winter x Moon fans, Winter demands his scavenger from Moon and threatens to kill her and you ship them? And then he treats Moon like a pile of trash and is extremely rude to her and gets into her personal space when she tries to warn him about the bomb.
And also, they never had any romantic scenes. Winter only ever had a crush on her and now you guys go full-shipping mode even though someone probably shipped it by mistake, I admit, I used to by a Winter x Moon shipper, but there was no real reason why it was better than Moon x Qibli. No. Reason. Honestly, Winter had a crush on Moon, but she never liked him back. It was a really one-sided relationship.

New comment on Kinkajou x Turtle in the list of Top Ten Best Wings of Fire Ships

cTurtle was willing to help Kinkajou - and when Anemone places the love spell on her we see how much Turtle loves her. Way better than Peril x Turtle. - Laurel

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