Top Ten Most Popular Girls Names from the 1970s
I could name many with the name Jessica. However It isn't as popular of a name as it was even like 5 years ago.
My sisters name is Jessica but it was way more popular in the 1990s
My friends name is Jessica and she is a good friend
It is my daughter's name. We are French but lives in London so needed an international name, that existed in both language and this one sounds lovely in English and in French. Love love love it.
I have an aunt Lisa and I think it's an pretty name
Why is this number one though? I know so many Emilys, so why isn't it Emily?
I have a friend called Clara and I have always wanted to have that name.
Notice Jeanette and Eleanor are next to each other. Those are two of the Chipettes, right?
And it's an 80s show...
I like it spelled Kelli, but no matter how its spelled, I love it! This is why it made number 1.
I love this name. My niece's name is kellie but spelt Calli. Love it, it's such a cute name
Helen sounds like a beautiful, calm, wise and spirited young teen. She would have it all! Vote Helen!
This name has a little long history.
Jennifer is the name for many moms so if you name your child Jennifer, expect grandchildren
My name is Jennifer and I get nicknamed Jenny very good name.
I wish I was called Jennifer... it's my favorite girls name
I'm pretty sure no one spells Alexandra like that. Epic fail.
Do u mean Alexandra? Now THAT is a cool name. Name of a queen.
Best. Name. Ever.
It sounds so royal and posh, and strong.
The Newcomers
This is the best name ever because it is my name!
I legit love this name! I have a friend called veronica and she's awesome
Okay, a popular one from 1975 is what I'm guessing.
My name is Autumn. I was born n 1974 when I was a child I wasn't fond of my name but now that I'm am an adult I have learn to love it...It reminds me of the free spirited child that I was and in my heart still am.
I absolutely adore this name. It's so beautiful and I think I would like to name one of my daughters autumn. I'm also going to name one of my daughters Laurell Elizabeth.
Autumn:one of the best friends in summer camp I ever had.
Michelle is extremely popular. Did you mean Michelle Koch?
My name is Michelle I think its worlds beautiful name
My mom's name and my cousin's middle name
Love this name. if I'm thinking of a name 4 a new book character brook pops into my head and I'm like "no I used that in the other story" lmao
My name is Stephanie. Some people hate the name but so what! I mean, imagine the nickname possibilities ( Steph, Stepy, Stevie). When people call me I instantly smile. By the way: Stephanie means " crown ".
It's my name and I think it's the best name ever some people dislike but I don't and that is all that does matter.
This name's very cute. I have read this name in many books. I wish I had this name...
This is my name my full name is Elisabeth but I shorten it to Beth
Angie... just like The Rolling Stones song.
In my opinion this name is horrible. It sounds like stencil or stationary, making it feel empty and overused.
I think that this is a name for someone that is very Sassy
One of my friends name is Stacy and I love the name
My grandma's name! I like it and it can be short for Kathleen, or Katherine.
There are dozens of people named Amy but one of them is a director whose name is Amy Heckerling, the creator of Clueless.
That's my mom's name, and she was born in '71.
Bruh do you have any idea how much I want this name? It reminds me of blue and is just simply lovely.
Love this name! Named my daughter Skylar!