Top Reasons to Hate Communism, Fascism, Nazism, and Socialism

Note: I think we should come up with a better alternative with capitalism. But, for now it's probably the best we have. Yes, there are loopholes. But at least I'm realistic and do not glorify a tyrannical system of government that pretends to be good. Yet, strips others of their rights.
The Top Ten
1 Oppression of Rights

Goes to both communism and fascism.

2 Genocide
3 Inflation

Everyone wants higher minimum wages, and while I am okay for a somewhat reasonable raise, too much absolutely is going to increase inflation rates.

4 Forced Abortion
5 Class War
6 Tyrannical Government
7 Corruption

Can happen in capitalism too, yes. But I feel like with the whole thing going on with the extended lockdowns in China, things are very shady there.

8 No Freedom of Speech
9 Abuse of Laws
10 Press Destroyed
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