Top Ten Random Comments to Make On an Animal List

The Top Ten
1 Monkeys are great. If you take the "K" out of "Monkey" it would be called "Money"
2 I saw a bird yesterday and I named it Bob.
3 Do you like bats? I do and I also like Batman! Nanananananana Batman!
4 Donkey rhymes with monkey. What rhymes with Elephant?
5 I like birds but bird watching would be more fun if the birds tap dance
6 I like goats because they're called goats
7 Blue jays are great looking birds. I saw a blue jay bird and a raccoon so I thought it was time to watch Regular show
8 Bugs are so annoying. I hitted a bug with my shoe in the kitchen then I said, "In your face, Bug!"
9 I don't know why I'm voting for dragonflies. I guess I'm bored.
10 I like cats. I hope a dog doesn't see this comment because I said I like cats
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