Top Ten Reasons to Hate Tomboys

The Top Ten
1 They hate pink because "it's too girly" which is a stupid reason to hate pink

I'm part tomboy and I kinda like pink. Take this off of this list. There is no reason to hate tomboys nor girly girls.

Tomboys Can like or hate Pink if they want. It's her opinion. I Sometimes like pink. No hate please. - Appleferguson2008

Just like how not liking pink is a stupid reason to hate tomboys.

So true! I'm a girly girl and tomboys always call pink babyish! Ugh...

2 They think boys are better than girls

And there goes gender inequality

No! I never think that

3 They are trying to be cool

Some people try to be tomboy just to be "cool" or "hip." I gotta agree. It's really annoying to see a poser who knows NOTHING about said topic/object yet tries to act like it/them. It's just really cringy and annoying to people.

It's so stupid how they're unaware about how they act, trying to be cool and act tough. They think they're tough and say "I'm tougher than you think! I play with boys! ", and yet they won't even dare touch a worm.

Tell me about it. For all people's information, coolness is in the eye of the beholder. Anyone who fails to see that is blind in the head.

4 They try way too hard to be different from everyone else to impress guys further aside from how they pretend to act like them

Is there anyway to delete this from existence? I'm a tomboy and this is all either fake or an opinion, "hates pink"? COME ON! I rate this a negative 100 out of ten! Whats your name I'm gonna add you to the list of people I HATE!

Dude some girls just like to dress that way

5 They act like they're different from other girls (A.K.A special snowflake syndrome)

Not all of them, but some are showing off their tomboy side and it’s hella cringe. Just like some lgbt people are showing off they're gay and are prentending to have a better life than straight people because they dyed their hair and love my little pony.

The truth is they are common

6 They act like a boy

Yeah, so? I used to be heavily tomboyish and my best friend is tomboyish and she doesn't hate my girly side. My best friend is very beautiful, tomboyish or not. I'm slightly tomboyish and I don't hate pink but I slightly dislike it but I still own some pink dresses. My best friend is literally the nicest person I've ever met, she doesn't think that people should be hated which I slightly disagree with.

I disagree, PeachyBlast & FireWasp. It's ok for girls to like the same things as guys or take part in activities that are generally populated by boys. But it's not ok for girls to act like boys. Defeats the whole purpose of gender equality, really. Equality does not mean there is no difference between the genders. Again, it's a fine line. But whatever.

Hell yeah, they do. Why, there are those who take their feminism too far. And so, I'm pleased to have no girlfriend. So all those feminazi tomboys can kiss my ass for all I care.

And what is wrong with that? I hate girly and feminine things, and my friends say I act boyish too. Nothing wrong with it.

7 They hate girly-girls

I am a tomboy and I don't hate girly girls, in fact, some of my friends are girly girls, I really don't care who I hang out with, just as long as they respect me.

Hypocritical much? Though I am sick of people hating on girly girls. There's nothing wrong with girls being feminine!

I Am both Tomboy and girly girl. I Have A Friend named Layla and shes a girly girl. And I Like her. I Have Female youtuber fans that are tomboys and girly girls or in the middle It's ok to be a tomboy or girly girl. - Appleferguson2008

Huh! Hell no, I have lots of friends who are girly but I never been hated and never will

8 They are violent

Actually, many tomboys I know are against violence, so this is once again, a stupid reason.

No doubt that. And if they take that part of them too far,they could get their asses handed to them.

9 The want to be a boy

I AM A BOY! BUT ONLY SOME TOMBOYS ARE COOL, LIKE THE ONES I HANG WITH! BUT NOT THE NON DRESSING UP BOSSY HATES HAPPY THINGS BEING A GIRL AND HATES BENING A GIRL, TRYING TO COPY THE BOYS AND HANGING WITH AThEM AND they WISH WERE BOYS! that's stupid, girly girls are more, but tombyos normally they are. I am gonna be a popualr boy in high school, so I can kick tomboys, I am in 6th grade and I am popualr and people call me the tomboy killer, and they also called me, sherklover, sherky, sherk, sherk person and orge the most. bye byemost tomboys you guys are never gonna be underratted! - sherklover456

Seems like it. However, whoever put "They" in "The want to be a boy" should have typed it as "They want to be boys."

10 They are sometimes lesbians

But generally the whole humanity can't accept this. Although the law may accept this, natural don't. Have you ever seen other animals being gay/les? I haven't. Also, religion don't accept this. If you are gay/les, many people will look at you strangely on the street without doubt. You may think it's biased but the world is that biased. But I don't agree that all tomboys are lesbians as they can fall in love with girly boy. In conclusion, the world hate tomboys and girly boys and the reasons must not be they are les/gay.

I hate this one even there is a stereotype about this

Yeah, sometimes...

The Contenders
11 They look weird

So what if they look weird? they just want to express themselves in a unique way.

Then screw off, RoseCandyMusic!

I don't care


12 They are arrogant
13 They always use the excuse "I hang out with boys because it's less drama".

The average tomboy has both guy friends and girl friends. And in my personal self, I hang out with guys because I think more like one.

This is what I hate about SOME tomboys

But it is in most cases.

14 Some look like boys

I do not hate most tomboys, but I now a mean tomboy that looks like a boy she is scary.

So what? You got a problem with how people dress?

15 They have no manners

I'm both tomboy and girly girl and I'm Nice to my fans. I like playing soccer, and Basketball. I Have manners to people. so please don't rage at me. I'm trying not to be rude or pushy. - Appleferguson2008

I'm a tomboy and I say please and thank you, I never burp, and I try not to be rude unlike this website.

Screw this! It's so stereotypical. I wish girly girls would stop being so sensative.

What the hell...?

16 They are mean

Oh I bet. But the truly mean ones are those ' feminazis. And so, they make me pleased to have no girlfriend and wife.

17 They have anger issues
18 They claim not to be like other girls
19 They are sexist to their own gender
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