Top Ten Ways the List "Top Ten Sexiest Body Parts Ever" Is the Creepiest List Ever

I found it and will never be the same. By the way read my blog post "my apologies"
The Top Ten
1 A Lot of It Is Private Parts

I guess that's what you should expect but it is still very strange, I mean I've seen boobs before (my own) and butts before (my own) but that doesn't mean I'd like to hear about them.

2 Sexual Fantasies

Too much of it is talking about tickling girls

3 Weird Item Submissions

Feet? Eye lashes? Stomachs? This guy must get boners all the time!

4 Description On Butts

It's so weird. I hope this dude doesn't live near me.

5 Description On Boobs

He describes it in the most perverted way possible. I mean, big and soft? Are they pillows to you? Guess what! Boobs were made so babies could drink milk out of them. Not so men can suck on them!

6 The List Is All About Women

I think he assumed men would read it and men only...

7 "Brain" is on the list

What? Why'd the camera pan over to ME all of a sudden? What the hell's THAT supposed to mean?

8 The List Is Mainly Sex

I guess the title gives it away but just WHY?

9 Perverts In the Comments
10 "Feet" is #1
The Contenders
11 Random Body Parts Are Called Sexy
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