10 Reasons Why Illegal Immigrants are Bad

Liberals believe illegal immigrants are good; but guess what, THEY'RE NOT! Here's why...
The Top Ten
1 It's illegal

They're called ILLEGAL immigrants for a reason...

Really? Not everything that's illegal is bad.

2 They bring more crime into other countries

Actually, they're less likely to commit crimes than American citizens. Kind of pathetic, isn't it?

3 They bring drugs into other countries
4 They don't pay taxes

...Yes...they do. They may not pay income taxes, but they pay sales taxes, property taxes, excise taxes, hotel taxes, etc.

5 They hold down pay for legal workers

This is debatable. Many economists, including many conservatives, state that illegal immigration raises pay for American workers over time.

6 They threaten the quality of life for legal citizens
7 They do not assimilate into legal society
8 They cause splintering of society along racial and cultural lines
9 They steal resources from other countries
10 They are a threat to national society

How is a family just living in their house a threat to our national security?

The Contenders
11 It causes competition for native workers
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