10 Reasons Why YouTube Sucks

The Top Ten
1 It has stupid videos that contain loads of real life idiots

This is only half true.

2 When you want to watch a show, they just block it by showing dumb nasty things
3 The YouTubers are super duper ugly and annoying
4 It's disgustingly inappropriate
5 People post anything stupid on it, which is dumb like them
6 It can ruin everything wonderful
7 It's annoying
8 They'll show the ugliest and stupidest things you've ever watched in your life that will make your eyes cringe
9 It's painfully unfunny
10 Not safe for kids to watch
The Contenders
11 It has too much drama

Youtube use to be about the creativity, but now it's highlight is the drama that petty youtubers start with each other for the attention and favoritism of the audience.

12 Too many bad words
13 The comment sections are toxic
14 It has misinformation videos
15 It normalizes bullying
16 It has hate accounts
17 It normalizes racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, etc.
18 It has people who romanticize disabilities and disorders
19 It has mukbang videos that promote obesity
20 It has videos that encourages eating disorders
21 They refuse to delete inactive and abandoned YouTube accounts or channels
22 They refuses to delete YouTubers that commit horrible crimes
23 It's full of pedophiles
24 It's exploiting children
25 It's full of annoying and unfunny memes
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