Top 10 Worst Things About Being the Oldest Sibling

Being the oldest sibling is horrible. If you are not the oldest, you'll see why. If you are the oldest, you will understand.
The Top Ten
Your younger siblings are considered innocent just because they're younger

This mostly happened when I was a teenager. Now I'm 21, but I still don't understand why I get blamed, even when I'm trying to make things right.

I'm the youngest sibling of an older sister, and I can say that this is completely unfair. Older siblings and younger siblings both need to be treated the same. I understand that parents need to watch out for the new baby or something, but when they get older, it's time for equal treatment.

It sickens me to hear how unfair it is for older siblings. It even bothers me when my older sister gets treated unfairly, and I always defend her.

Your parents use you as the test dummy for things

"Well, Jane, we just figured out cyanide is poisonous! We're very grateful to know the obvious! Even though our oldest child died, we only care about the youngest!"

I bet if my parents were inventors and needed a test assistant, that would be me. It's always me.

Your parents learn how to be proper parents for the younger siblings but are still learning from you

I don't see a big deal out of this. I'm the oldest sibling, but I don't care.

Your parents get scared of milestones (puberty, graduation, moving out, etc.) with their oldest child but know what to expect for the younger siblings

I love my parents and all, but I hate how it seems like they put more pressure on me in terms of growing up and going to college than they do on my sister, who is only 10 months younger than me.

My mom is ridiculously overprotective of me. My sister is 20, and they let her go places unsupervised since she was like 16. I'm 26, and I still can't leave the house unsupervised.

This means that you get micromanaged, but your sibling doesn't when he/she gets to your age.

Your stuff isn't treated as yours

Girl, I'm sorry that happened to you. My sister wants to wear all my adult clothes, and most of them are only for men (I'm male). I thought she was a girly girl. Apparently, she's in the middle, but she's not a tomboy. However, this only lasts during the summers, as most of the time, I'll be at college.

I have my own room, but my little sister barges in every day for 10 minutes to pick out clothes. If I go in her room for bras, underwear, pajamas, or whatever, she screams!

My grandma got me a doll when I was little, and my sister saw it one day, took it, put it in her room, and officially made it hers. If I go in her room and lay my hands on it, she screams, even though it's mine.

You pay for all damages to your things, but your sibling doesn't

If my brother smashes my tablet in front of my mom, I pay for it. If my mom breaks my tablet, I pay for it. If my brother puts his tablet on a drone, flies it to 2,000 feet, and then "accidentally" turns the drone off, my mom pays for the tablet, the drone, and the damages from the inevitable explosion. If my brother throws a laptop at the TV and my mom sees it, I get to pay for it.

My sisters can break all my stuff, and my mom pretends it never happened. If I make the smallest knick in something, I have to pay all the charges. It sucks. I have to pay for all my own stuff too. Thanks, Mom.

Your siblings don't have to share their stuff, but you need to share everything

You have to share your toys (if you even have any), your phone/tablet/PC (that you bought with your money), your Lego creations, your books, your Halloween candy, and even your batteries!

I own nothing anymore because this is so true.

There is always a reason why you are bad, but never for your sibling
Your siblings get everything they ask for, but you need to pay for everything you want and even your siblings' presents

This is so true! My little brother gets every exact thing on his wish list every single year. Part of this is because his birthday is on Christmas Eve, and my parents say it makes him "special."

I make a wish list with at least 5 or 6 things (it used to be longer when I was younger), and I would get 5 or 6 items at the most depending on how expensive everything was. But my brother would get at least 8 every year. I politely told my parents how I felt (it was on Christmas), and my dad yelled at me in another room, telling me that Christmas is THE WRONG DAY TO BE COMPLAINING! I put that in caps because he was screaming at the top of his lungs. I wish I could be like my little brother.

If you lay one finger on your younger sibling, your parents get extremely angry, but if your younger sibling beats you up, they don't care and blame you even if it was self-defense

I remember this from my own childhood and now see and hear it happening in other families as well. I'm the oldest child and have a brother. Whenever you attacked your sibling, self-defense or not, you were committing a crime against humanity according to your parents and other adults. If the younger sibling did it, it was considered cute, and adults thought the older child, you, probably deserved it too.

When my brother and I were little children, our mother asked us why we always fought. My brother said it was because I didn't obey him, and he didn't obey me because he didn't want to, so technically it was his fault. However, our mother just laughed it off. I don't think her reaction would have been the same if the roles had been reversed.

The Newcomers

? You work your butt off to get a car, but when it's your younger sibling's turn, your parents buy it for them
? When you ask for something, your parents give it to your younger siblings instead of you

When I was in middle school, I always wanted a red sweater. In seventh grade, Mom bought plenty of red sweaters for my little sister, who was then in first grade, but none for me. She was supposed to give me one for Christmas, but she gave it to my sister's bus driver instead. I felt a bit sad, but she made me a white one for school.

In eighth grade, I finally picked out a red sweater at Macy's and tried it on, but Dad didn't like it. He offered me a black one instead, which I didn't like. He said I could either have the black one or nothing at all, kind of like how Cartman's mom said he could either have a Toshiba Handibook or nothing at all. We ended up buying the black one for me and a blue-and-green striped one for my sister.

At home, I started crying and said, "How come Sis gets cute colors like red and blue and green and pink and purple, and I get only boring colors like black and white? That's not fair!" Mom said, "It's because she is in elementary school, and you are in middle school. Now you stop crying and go sleep in the living room!" Dad said I looked more beautiful in black than in red, green, yellow, or even white. He added that brighter colors would make me look like an ugly monster, which made me even more upset. It was just like how Cartman wanted the iPad.

The Contenders
When it is Christmas, your siblings get everything they ever dreamed of, and you get a few stocking stuffers from the dollar store

Extended family gives your younger sibling more Christmas presents than you. Even if you're lucky enough to have parents who give you some "extra" packages to bridge the gap, some relatives come over the day after Christmas and give your sibling more gifts.

YES YES YES! My sister and cousins always get stuff from extended relatives, but I almost always get nothing. This is why I am greedy and constantly whine and beg to get things from everyone.

I know I should be thankful, but what use is something that will break before I take it out of the package? It's kind of like getting nothing at all.

Your younger sibling bullies you

Mine do that every time I'm home on weekends, and it's the most annoying thing EVER! It's not just the things they say or do. It's the fact that you can't do anything, no matter how much you want to give them a good ol' fist in the face. Because if you do, they will tell on you to your parents, or tell the other 5 siblings that you hit them, and then the other 5 will gang up on you against your parents. Then, you get grounded for the next five months.

And you can't tell your parents, because they would never believe you anyway. So, what can you do?

All the pressure is on you because you have to be the perfect example and role model for your siblings in the long run

I feel bad for all the older siblings that have to go through this! I'm happy I have a decent brother, and I am treated equally to him and don't have to be a good example for him.

Parents want YOU to be a good example for your bratty younger siblings, yet they don't care when the younger sibling does something bad and blame the oldest for everything! If I had to go through all these problems, I would hate my life forever and wait for the day to move out! I feel sorry for all the older siblings who posted their stories about their horrible lives with their obnoxious, spoiled, and bratty younger siblings!

You have to do the most chores

In my case, it's pretty much all the chores, not just the most. I'm 26, and I still have to do chores, but my 19-year-old sister is allowed to just sit there and be lazy.

When I was a lot younger, I had to do the chores. But when my siblings got older, they had to do the chores too.

That's so me now.

Your younger sibling gets lots of attention while you get almost no attention

I wish I could cry about this, but I have no more tears to shed.

When my relatives visit us:

(To me) Hi.

(To my cousins and sister) Hi! How are you? How's life? Blah blah blah...

No wonder I have no social life among my family. :(

Your younger sibling always tells on you

I'm a Swiftie, so when I sing along, I sometimes sing the curse words. Whenever my sister hears it, she's like, "I'm going to tell on you!" I'm like, "What? I didn't even say the F-word - I said 'frick' or something!" And she's like, "That's still a bad word." Seriously, "frick" is literally a substitute for the F-word!

I think this only applies to younger siblings under eight years old.

So true! Mine is horrible for this reason.

You aren't allowed to say a single bad thing about your younger sibling, but your younger sibling is allowed to insult you 24/7

I yelled at my little sister to get out of my room, and Mom yelled at me. My sister then proceeded to go on a rant about how awful I am and questioned how I even have friends because I'm so mean. And Mom just sat there comforting her. The heck?!?!

My sister says stupid - mom and dad say nothing.
I say stupid - mom and dad tell me not to say stupid.

When your friends come over, your younger sibling will try to become their friend while excluding you from the group

This exact thing happened when I was going to an amusement park with my best friend. My brother was asking her stupid questions and hitting her, so I slapped him to get him to stop, and my best friend laughed. It was so funny because of her!

My sister is like this. When my friend comes over, she makes me look stupid and like an idiot.

Happens to me all the time...

Your siblings make a huge mess and you get in trouble for not watching them

Seriously, my sister is almost nine, my brother just turned ten, and my other brother is almost thirteen! They still can't clean up after themselves, yet I get blamed for it and have to clean it up.

Uh, hello? They're your kids. You should be the one looking after them. We older siblings are not going to spend our lives cleaning up their messes.

You get blamed for everything
You never get to have an older sibling to depend on or seek their help and support

This may not be as common since some people have cousins or friends, but it's definitely one of the most influential aspects of being the oldest.

I always wanted an older sister... Well, thanks to whoever posted this, you just made me cry.

I always wanted an older sibling.

You are not allowed to get certain toys or gadgets because your younger sibling might swallow the small parts

This mainly applies to siblings under the age of 3.

Your parents always put the younger sibling first

It's horrible. Why does the youngest get priority? The oldest, or at least me, deserves things too.

And on Christmas, the oldest has to open their presents last.

Some board games actually have a rule: "The youngest player's turn is first."

Your younger sibling tries to make you look like an idiot

When she was in elementary school, my sister would brag that she's "smarter" and "more awesome" than me because she was fully toilet trained by age 3 1/2, but I was still in diapers at that age. I'm 26 and she's 19.

They never succeed. I'm way smarter than them. Also, some of this stuff isn't true. Yeah, my mom favors one of them, but everyone else likes me more.

My brother does this.

Your sibling can annoy you and you're not allowed to get mad

And when you do get mad, you end up getting in trouble for it.

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