Most Hated Religions In the World

The Top Ten

Islam is a cult rather than a religion, born out of the mind of warmongering, egomaniac, pedophile! Islam hasn't evolved the same way other religions has. Stuck in the dark ages it is ruled by fear and draconian punishments! Muslims are the first victims of Islam, often being brainwashed and told to disregard any logical thinking by the age of 2 or 3. Muslims are hypocrites and so was Mohammad! For example : the Quran is the spoken word of Allah and clear for all to understand, for all of mankind and for all places and all times!? Why then are there the hadiths, tafseers and commentaries? Why are various sects and clerics understanding it differently to the point of being at war with each other if it is for all to understand so clearly?

Why is there abrogation? Why do later verses of the Quran supersede earlier ones? - was Allah not able to reveal it at first time or did he conveniently change his mind from time to time to suit Muhammad's needs?

Why if Islam is the one true religion (as Muslims say it is) has it not been the dominate one in over 14,000 years? It's a load of old bollox and a cancer to the human race! Muslims will bring the end of our planet...because they're brainwashed, blood thirsty parasites that have nothing to offer this world but violence, only a matter of time until the collective world has had enough.


You know, there's something I've been wanting to ask you Christians for a long time now: why do you care if atheists celebrate Christmas or not?

Seriously. Why? How could an atheist celebrating Christmas affect your life in any possible way? What, just because we don't believe the same silly things you do, we're not allowed to enjoy the most joyful time of the year?

Christmas isn't just about Jesus. It's about the spirit of giving, it's about spreading joy to the world, it's about seeing those wonderful smiles on the children's faces whenever they open their presents on Christmas Day, it's about spending time with friends and family. It's not about your non-existent savior. It's about being happy and making others feel the same way.

If you're Christian and you think the atheists who celebrate Christmas are hypocrites, then shut up. You're probably just as much a hypocrite as you claim WE are. "They only want the presents"? What a harsh and hypocritical thing to say. I'm more than certain that there are Christians out there who give a damn about the religious parts of the holiday.

Now stop whining and just let us enjoy this beautiful holiday.


"Make money. Make more money. Make others produce so they can make more money." L. Ron Hubbard.

That is what Scn'y is--a business. Not a religion, a tax-exempt business. A tax-exempt business that abuses its own members, tries to destroy critics and succeeds in destroying families and which abuses children and adults alike.

Don't get sucked in. Members pay thousands of dollars for the "secrets" and auditing is a kind of black hypnosis, designed to rob you of empathy and convince you to pay for its upper level "secrets" wherein you discover you're inhabited by billions of alien beings which cause all your ills.

And you can find all this out for free. The money helps support David Miscavige and his abuse of people.


This "religion" deserves to be hated. It deserves no love. People hate on atheists because they worship no god, even saying that they worship Satan when Satanists actually worship Satan yet they are not as hated. The mere fact that they worship the Evil One perfectly shows that evil does exist in the world. Those "people" who worship the evil Satan are not people at all, but are demons who want to infect other people with their evil worthless ideologies that Satan is good and God is evil. Satanism has no place in the world. Satanism needs to be banned and outlawed forever. Any Satanist needs to be crucified, stoned, ostracized, and locked up forever. Those devil worshipping Satanists can never be rehabilitated. Satanists have no place on earth.

Hinduism Hinduism is an Indian religion or dharma, a religious and universal order to which Hindus abide. It is the world's third-largest religion, with over 1.2 billion followers, or 15–16% of the global population, known as Hindus. The word Hindu is an exonym, and while Hinduism has been called the oldest... read more

No one knows what is the truth it is better to follow their own religion and keep peace and give respect to other religions. No one decide to born in a Hindu, Christian, Muslim, Buddhism or etc. It is decide my Almighty god which has different name in different religion. The one who claim that his religion is superior than other religion actually they try to divide the humanity and this type of people has always fear to loose something in his life. The one who say to stop idol worship I don't know why some have problem with others if anyone is satisfied with their own way of worship then what is wrong with that. Idol worship is a visualization of god how it can be wrong? Even one who do idol worship or not is not necessary, God can only be achieved by only his pure heart and believe on himself and self satisfaction. God is beyond the comparison, God is beyond the religions, God is beyond the religious books, or etc. Always remember belief is blind, experience is truth and it is valid in every places, countries and religions. violence in Created by man not by religions it is only because of someone demon who are in guise of man.


I was raised reformed Jewish. I'd say that the culture of Judaism is very valuable, but I'd toss away the religion in a minute, without a second thought. That's because it's just as bad as any other religion, when you get down to it. Something about making so many rules for how people should live their lives ends up having them concentrate more on what's written in a book, than what their own hearts tell them -- and nothing about that is reliably good. I think the most valuable thing about the culture was the emphasis on a strong and thorough education. I was also encouraged to ask questions and think critically, rather than just accepting things at face value. It made a huge positive impact on me as a person. Tolerance was also something stressed -- I cannot personally recall any relative saying a single hateful word about a Muslim, contrary to the popular conception of these two groups always being at odds. Honestly, I think everything I took away from it was more about the culture than the religion, and there were plenty of awful experiences and things I disliked which were certainly part of the religion rather than culture. I wouldn't call myself Jewish now that I'm old enough to decide what I am for myself -- I think that should say it all. But, in terms of culture, I'm very thankful for what it provided me. It's interesting how divergent those experiences were...

Roman Catholicism

I converted to Catholicism and love the religion. The.stability and loyalty to what Catholics believe is very comforting. People claim we worship statues and idol false Gods We do not idol anything thing or anyone but the Father, the Son and the Holy Spitit. Many people condemn the Catholic religion. The people that have condemned the religion when discussing it with me are ignorant of the religion because they do not understand the practices and beliefs of the Catholic Church. When I say ignorant it is simply a lack of knowledge. It would be so much better to learn and understand each religion before condemning that church and its members.


It's easier to be a human being unburdened by religious rules that push you to be intolerant when your religion is decentralized. On the other hand, it also makes it really easy to claim you are that religion, while simultaneously being utterly ignorant of it. To that end, I've met more people who have claimed to be Wiccan, while seeming to know really nothing about it, than any other religious group. I can't say that gives me a very good impression. If anything, it's pretty sad.

Is that really a religion? Whenever someone mention Wicca I have to think about the T.V. series " Charmed ". It has maybe really ancient roots but nowadays it seems to be more something for gothic hippies with identity crisis.


I was married to a Cuban girl who actually got really scared when her sister said she would put a voodoo (or sangria the Cuban variant) curse on her, because we did not 'help' them enough. Helping being maintaining them almost completely.


Mitt Romney. A Mormon worth over $100 million who thinks it is a good idea to make a $10,000 wager for fun in front of people who make 1/10 to 1/3 of that in a month. Spit in the face of poor people why don't you?

Beyond that, what if I said I actually knew God and He gave me a special book with all the REAL rules, but then told me not to show anyone (kinda like Joseph Smith, eh? ) And then what if I said I could marry 14 year olds (as many as I want, because I'm a sexual deviant, like Joseph Smith).

But wait! What if I told you that you got your own planet full of virgins to rule over in the afterlife if you converted a bunch of people to Mormonism? God keeps score, after all.

Mormons believe all of this is ok.

Need I say more?

The Newcomers

? Moravians
? Christian Science

Not Christian, Not Scientific. Children are kept from medical care. Gruesome deaths are the rule.

What about scientists that are Christians? Not every Christian is a nut, even if I'm not a Christian (none of my family are, probably less Christians in Britain than America.)

The Contenders

After learning more about Sikhism, it became obvious that it suffers from the same ignorant, intolerant issues as every other religion I've studied (and I've studied world religions for more than a decade now). It's just a different package. Are there some good differences? Sure. But, I could say the same thing about a long list of other religions. I think the bottom line here is more that when you get a bunch of people together and have them define what's "right" and "wrong" as being specific things, people get vilified, excluded, hated, etc. It's just part of the process. So it becomes that it's not a matter of winning or losing, it's deciding to play that game to begin with that's the problem.

Theistic Satanism

There are two types of Satanism. This kind and then the Athiest Satanism (also known as LaVeyan). Theistic Satanism worships Satan, and is probably responsible for the majority of the stigma attached to the word Satanism.

Sigh Christians are so thick as a brick. Its not worshipping Satan just because of the word "Satan" is in the religion.
Anyway God is more evil than Satan.


Buddhism is not a religion. It is a philosophy and is basically the common facts of life. Being Buddhist is an amazing experience and unlike other cultures, the rules are not hard to do. They are just simple rules of morality like not to kill or lie. Also, Buddhism co exists with all our scientific information and supports science. After all, the Buddha was one of the greatest scientists of all time. Besides beliefs about reincarnation, there is nothing supernatural about Buddhism and everything is based on real life experiences and there aren't any biased opinions. I am not saying other cultures are bad but I don't understand why this is placed on the list.

Jehovah's Witnesses

We are very, happy, people and we always remain positive towards people because we care about people and want them to have a wonderful and safe life. Most importantly, we go door to door not to disturb or argue down people. We do it out of love because we recognize the horrible conditions in this world and we want to give people motivation that they are not alone. Also, if God loves people, then it is not possible that he is ruling this earth according to all the bad problems many face today. We only show people a true promise that god has a new kingdom where there will be peaceful conditions. Also, we will all be perfect people doing only right things. I personally look forward to the resurrection hope where everyone can see their dead loved ones alive again. Such a wonderful promise God has for people today who want to know more about him!


Jainism in top ten in this list? There has to be some technical glitch. You can't so much hate a religion (with a tiny population) which has NOT a single incidence of rioting in its 3000 years old history, is atheistic by philosophy and is so much against violence that it calls upon its followers to shun any form of violent resistance and killing animals (EVEN for food).

Well I am a Jain and I would love to share some of my thoughts with you all. Jainism is all about NON VIOLENCE. Ahimsa Parmo Dharma meaning Non violence is the only religion. It's all about being human. don't you think being human its our responsibility to keep our earth and mother earth safe. Jainism is all about loving this earth, fire, air, water. You know people may find this hilarious but even wasting of water unnecessarily is prohibited in our religion, we can't waste electricity because we believe everything has its life and we should preserve and protect everything as much as possible. Water, air, fire, mud, trees all are considered ek indri jeev meaning an orgainsm with a single sense organ. Our religion is very scientific too use of unfiltered water is prohibited, eating food after sunset is prohibited and this is scientifically proven that food that we eat at night actually brngs several health issues because the level of microorganisms and impurities rises after sunset. Well there is much more. We love everyone but yes I personally hate blood shed whether it's of a human being or any other animal. I am an animal n nature lover and strongly believes in karma, if I m hurting nature m hurting God this my philosophy being Jain I have realised this. I hope you people would like this philosophy of loving and helping each other but yes we are strongly against animal killings and merciless rituals.


Trying to take over the world, creating hate in every religion. Killing innocent people and children when they should know better after what happened in Germany. They create wars for no reason other than material and power. They fabricated 911.

Should be higher! The fanatic form of judaism. And like any fanatic group or organisation, fanatic ideals and dangerous in their irrationallity. They're so fanatic that they don't care or respect any form of other belief!

This isn't really a religion.
It's a movement of people who love Israel.

Zionism has negative influence in Western politics,
and they cause some problems to Muslims.
But the Jews do deserve a country.

Bahá'í Faith

Actually the Baha'I faith encompasses Jesus and Muhammad. And Baha'is don't brainwash you. They actually respect other religions and believe in questioning the Baha'I faith and other faiths as well.


They jerk off all the time, and are sex maniacs.

LaVeyan Satanism

This cult is more outright blasphemy than Catholicism.

"Welcome to the Hotel California..."

Sunni Islam

They are all peace and their pretty much the normal Muslims who fast,pray, and are pretty much the purest people you'll ever meet.


I've studied Daoism (another, also correct spelling) for many years. The original text, the Dao De Jing, is a beautiful philosophical text that's still very relevant today. I don't know that any other text has had as much of a positive impact on me -- and it's really not religious at all. The more religious Daoist texts came later in history and don't appeal to me -- including those referred to as alchemy texts -- but, I find it very interesting that this isn't where Daoism started. It was really very philosophical to begin with. People seemed to turn it into a religion, but the irony is, the original text was explicitly against that sort of knowledge/behavior system. The original text also is more about describing reality and trends in existence and life, than putting forth rules you should follow, etc. So, it's very non-judgmental (if you're going by the original text). In that respect, I'd say it's quite unique. I also think it says everything that after studying world religions for more than fifteen years, this is the one I found the most humanity and honesty in. -- And it wasn't for a lack of options.


Very sad they got nearly wiped up - several times! They are severely hated by their sister religion of the Sith.

Yep. Some Star Wars fanatics actually made Jedi into a real religion. Look it up and you'll see what I mean.

How did this "become" a religion its literaly derived from a movie did a bunch of star wars die hards come up with this.

The Members Church of God International

There are reasons:

1) Their leader is a coward,homosexual and libelous preacher.
2) Their funds are usually skimmed through concerts.
3) Their teachings are so false and full of contradictions.
4) They are just branch of a corrupt tree.
5) Their Guinness Record is a large and epic lie. Most "choir singers" are not singers at all.
6) Sexual deviants disguised as holy men.

The ministers or even the leader of this cult always challenge Iglesia ni Cristo in a debate and when INC accepted their challenge they will say "we did not say that we want a debate with Iglesia ni Cristo". For example

Soriano (leader of the cult): I challenge all(of course including the pastors of INC) the pastors in luneta.
Soriano: I never mentioned that I challenge Iglesia ni Cristo.

Soriano: Admit that you want a debate and I will answer you.
Soriano: Did I ever say I want to debate with the Church(Church of Christ/Iglesia Ni Cristo)? I didn't said that!

and many more...

Seventh Day Adventist

SDAs don't only pray on Saturday, we pray everyday, we only hold worship on Saturday, the seventh day, the LORD's day (Is 58:13-14), because this is the day Jesus Christ declared Himself the Lord of (Mt 12:8; Mk 2:27-28). From Hebrews 3:7-4:11, Paul declared that the 7th day remains (4:9), this after being taken up to the throne of God. Mt 5:17-20, James 2:8-12, and Rev 22:14 all state that only those who keep all 10 Commandments will enter the city. The 4th Commandment makes clear the only day God communes with His church while Dan 7:25 reveals that the 4th beast (Rome) would attempt to change the Law of God. Sun-day is the pagan day of "sun" worship, the pope's day; he being the high priest of all the pagan religions (pontificus maximus). On March 7th AD321, the papacy secretly changed Sabbath to Sunday through Constantine while he claimed that he wanted all in his kingdom to keep the same day of rest. Pagans kept Sunday while Jews and Christians naturally kept the Sabbath. They fabricated a tale saying the Lord appeared in the sun, on Sunday, and told Constantine to conquer in this sign: 'In Hoc Signu' (I h s), which the Bible condems. As devout Protestants, we don't worship the pope, Mary, saints or any other "created" being; nor do we consider their authority while it plainly contradicts the Scriptures. If it's not in the Bible, we don't do it. The true "historic" Seventh-day Adventists are the "People of the Book"; Jesus Christ's remnant church, and the only ones who can make this claim... This salvation issue of Sabbath vs Sunday will be the cause of slaughter in the final hours of earth's history and anyone who is not sealed by that time will recieve the Mark of the beast.


One of the most stupidest religions ever existed.
They litterally believed that they were relatives of a wolf that mated with a male human.

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