Top Ten Scariest Alerts from the Emergency Alert System

The EAS is a pretty scary thing. Here's the alerts that make the hair stand on the back of people's necks the most.
The Top Ten
1 Tornado Warning

Here's a story: When I was born, surrounding counties were getting sirens and there was THIS huge tornado outbreak. Mom got me out of the hospital, and the rain was POUNDING. It kept on raining, and there was thunder. And the county below us actually got a tornado, injuring 1 person with 0 fatalities.

When I has two this giant tornado alert was close to my house and there was a tornado watch It was so scary

If a tornado is confirmed, you're screwed.
Not all tornadoes are confirmed from tornado warnings

I would be scared if my phone went off and said tornado warning

2 Emergency Action Notification
3 Civil Danger Warning
4 Shelter In Place Warning
5 Evacuation Immediate 
6 Volcano Warning
7 911 Telephone Outage Emergency
8 Child Abduction Emergency

I got one on july 9, it was a 1 year old girl and a 3 month old boy that were taken by their father. I live in colorado

We had this alert in my province the other day and my phone never went off for some reason

9 Law Enforcement Warning
10 Severe Thunderstorm Warning
The Contenders
11 Hazardous Materials Warning
12 Amber Alert
13 Nuclear Attack Warning
14 Wild Fire Alert

That would be scary to get this alert if there was a fire near by

15 Flood Warning
16 Shark Attack Warning

Sharks are Scary, especially when you get a waring if one where you are and when one almost bit off my arm. I was having the time of my life when suddenley a Great White came swimming up. I was not that far away from land, probably a mile from land. I got pasted the waves and this shark swam up to my friends and I. In my head the Jaws music was playing cause all we could see was the fin. When we were swimming away, toward land, the shark kept getting closer and closer, and the shark bit my arm, and made me get stiches. To this day on I am still terrifed of going in a ocean.😨

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