Top 10 Stupidest Things Said to Bisexual People
No, it's not. I am personally bisexual, and that's what my family says.
Every straight person I've come out to has said this to me.
I was questioning myself and thought about phases, and apparently it actually was a phase for me. However, bisexual people will say it's not, but I know for a fact it was because I don't like girls.
Anybody can cheat! It's not just bi people.
I'm bisexual, leaning more towards being a lesbian, but I have liked guys before, though I've never dated one. I have also liked girls. It is possible to like the same gender.
Dude, my parents literally said this when I came out to them. The whole point of being bisexual is liking both genders, not just one.
Bro, even if you get married to the opposite sex, that still doesn't mean you're straight.
Because some degenerates actually do. It's nothing to be proud of, so why fake it?
"And why would I want attention when I already have plenty? I'm proud of it, but it's not like I shout, 'I'm BI.'"
If bisexuality doesn't exist, then why do so many people identify as bi?
Those who say that bisexuals don't exist have no brain.
I mean, it's their choice, not yours.
Jeez, I don't fall in love with everyone I see.
This applies to anyone, honestly.
Gay people who say this are weird. If we can "pick a side," how about you choose to be straight so you won't be oppressed?
Picking both is always the best option. You can't tell bisexuals to pick.
Me: I'll sleep with people I like and find attractive.
Them: *Wink wink.*
Me: Too bad I haven't met anyone like that yet.
So you'll sleep with anyone of your preferred gender?
What does being bi have to do with being greedy?
Greedy for what? For hate from you?
The Newcomers
I don't think he hates bi people, but you won't see him at any pride parades.
Not all religions prohibit homosexuality. Most don't, actually.
I'm a Christian, and I can be bisexual if I want to.
So does literally everyone. You think it's a "bi thing"?
"What's your problem? Who's more of a weirdo: the person who can't accept love or the person who thinks it's fair to like whoever she wants?"
This makes many bi people, including myself, feel very uncomfortable.
Having to hide parts of your identity to please others isn't a privilege.