Top 10 Signs a Girl Doesn't Like You

The Top Ten
1 She's getting a restraining order

Might wanna stay back for a little bit...

Nope. She doesn't droll over you. At all.

It all makes sense now.

2 She's engaged with a much hotter, richer, and more talented guy

I believe this is when I say "mood" or whatever the kiddies are saying nowadays

3 You drop something in the hallway, and she kicks it all around

It's a cliche for women to pick things up for you if they have a crush on you. This is definitely not the case.

I'd hope both of these things:
1) It wasn't a prison hallway.
2) The thing you dropped wasn't soap.

Because, when you drop the soap in prison...

No... That just means she's a bad person!

That means sex

4 She blocked you on social media

This has happened to me at least 5 times. Some girls just don't like me. I don't mean to be racist, but most of them were Asian. They got super angry when I said something simple, like that her boyfriend didn't like her anymore. I guess I don't know some social skills.

Well was it necessary to point out their racial identity? If we feel victimized online. WE WILL BLOCK YOU. If there are girls who do it for no reason-they suck.

5 She gives you the evil eye when you stare at her

And I know this by experience too.

6 She pretends you're not there

Yeah, this stings like crazy.

7 You're not Harry Styles

Hey, congratulations, Ethan, you just created the most accurate depiction of 90% of all middle-school romance there is!

That is a generalization and downright offensive generalization too!

Looks like almost all males are screwed then.

Well, a lot of teenage girls like Harry and the other members of 1D.

8 It takes her over an hour to text back

I'm not so sure about this one. I often don't respond to texts immediately, even if they're from people I love talking to.

She could be busy with stuff. So I wouldn't say this is a sign...

9 She thinks you're ugly

The logic in my school with most is that if you aren't in 1D, you're ugly.

Oh, doesn't everyone?!

Yes this hits hard.

10 She tells you that she doesn't like you

As a girl yes sometimes I say I don't like you but really do

Shes just playing hard to get

Yes that might be a sign...

Yeah a pretty big sign...

The Contenders
11 Her friends are gossiping about you

This is actually a very good sign she likes you.

The news spread very quickly among girls.

12 She shot you

Okay, I'm friendly I'm not going to leave you out of all the fun!

13 She frames you for murder

What kind of drama do you people get into?!

14 She gets mad at you a lot
15 She dates you only to get back with her boyfriend
16 She blames her problems on you
17 She spits in your face
18 She uses you only to get the things she desires
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