Top 10 Biggest Problems With Modern SpongeBob

This is a list composed of all the problems that are probably the reason for SpongeBob's drop in quality over the years.
The Top Ten

After all that's been happening with the Squidward Torture Porns, Mr. Krabs being a greedy, selfish, and manipulative monster, Patrick's vile nature, people being horribly abused left and right, insensitive jokes made about disturbing issues, and terrible stories, I suggest we take the SpongeBob show away from the writers before Squidward's Suicide becomes an actual episode.

Bikini Bottom is meant to be a place that kids think is safe and happy.

After watching A Pal for Gary and One Coarse Meal, you might rethink that.

Torturing Squidward

Okay, first off, you guys are actually kind of right. In some old episodes, he deserved it, but in most of the new ones, he didn't. But at the same time, it's also vice versa. In the old episodes, he got lots of torture. It was all pretty funny, but I did kind of feel bad for him, like when he got burnt with alphabet soup, got a jellyfishing net stuck in his hand, got electrocuted about three times, and yeah.

In the new episodes, he can sometimes act like a jerk. Maybe he could justify it, but he ends up getting tortured for it. But then a majority of the time, he just does nothing but live his life in a normal way, and people just take it out on him way too much.

Patrick Turned Into a Dick

It really goes to show just how far this once-timeless show has fallen when Patrick, arguably the best character in the show, has become the absolute worst ever. Especially in episodes like Pet Sitter Pat, The Card, Driven to Tears, Rule of Dumb, and that toxic piece of crap Yours, Mine and Mine.

This should be Number Two on this list because of how much of a jerk he is. It really pisses me off how low that starfish sank. I wish that Squidward killed him and never got punished for it.

It sucks. He was SpongeBob's best bud. Now, in a lot of episodes (although not all, e.g., Goodbye Krabby Patty, which is the best episode in a very long time), he is a bully or a prick, especially in the diary episode.

Mr. Krabs is a Monster

There was one episode where Mr. Krabs fired SpongeBob to save a nickel. Mr. Krabs was forced to hire SpongeBob again later when the Krusty Krab was going downhill and got rid of the nickel problem by installing a paid toilet in the Krusty Krab.

This really happened in SpongeBob, You're Fired. I'm baffled. I knew that Mr. Krabs was cheap, but this kind of cheap is a new level of mentally insane. Seriously, a nickel is worth 5 cents. You can't buy anything with it, and he still fired SpongeBob.

If he got rid of the nickel problem by installing a paid toilet, why couldn't he have done that earlier? If he installed a paid toilet earlier, then he wouldn't have to fire SpongeBob and leave him in misery. I knew that Mr. Krabs was cheap and crazy, but that episode took the cake. It really, really showed how insanely greedy Mr. Krabs is.

SpongeBob Acts Like a Spoiled Toddler

I can understand SpongeBob crying in the old episodes because he was bullied by people just because he got kisses from his grandmother. Squidward didn't appreciate SpongeBob trying to make him feel happy with a Krabby Patty. He was about to get fired when he got stuck in Hooky, and in season 4, he cried when he lost Gary, etc.

But in the seasons afterward, he just cries over stupid reasons: breaking a spatula, tripping over his toe, ripping his favorite shirt (while several others just like it are hanging right behind it). Honestly, I cannot with the stupidity of modern SpongeBob. It just ruined him. At least in the newer episodes, it was getting pretty okay.

Almost Everyone is Unlikable

Plankton, Gary, and Squidward are the only likable characters in Seasons 6 - 8.

Everyone except Gary, Plankton, Squidward, etc.

Except for SpongeBob, Gary, Sandy, Mrs. Puff, and Pearl.

All the Filler

There is just too much unrelated plot in modern SpongeBob, like A Day Without Tears or Party Pooper Pants. Whatever the main idea is, five seconds into the episode and already something completely unrelated goes on.

If your episodes don't have enough plot to fill the running time, don't make them at all.

Putting filler is a perfect sign that the new writers are running out of ideas, so they use cheap scenes that just waste your time. They think it can make the show more interesting. Guess what? It doesn't.

Plot Recycling

This is a clear sign that the show is running out of ideas. A perfect example is in Season 7, Episode: "Someone's in the Kitchen with Sandy," where Plankton steals Sandy's fur pelt and uses it to disguise himself as her. He tricks SpongeBob into giving him the Krabby Patty formula, which is already a ripoff of Imitation Krabs. But there's more. Later, there's an episode called Grandma's Secret Recipe, where Plankton disguises himself as SpongeBob's grandma to trick him into giving him the formula. Then there's Shellback Shenanigans, where Plankton disguises himself as Gary to get the formula. I wonder who's next...

The Disgusting Animation

Seasons 9 to the present's animation isn't usually disgusting. The animation from Seasons 4-8 had lots of gross-out moments. But if we talk about "Ink Lemonade," then eh...

The animation uses overly exaggerated expressions too often, and they don't make sense.

Nasty Patty, The Splinter, and so many other episodes are straight-up disgusting. Not to mention the disgusting close-ups.

Sandy's Out of Nowhere Personality Change

Sandy's rocket was literally the only time in the older episodes where she showed an interest in science. Then, right out of nowhere, she's suddenly obsessed with it. Now, a lot of the newer episodes are just her dumb experiments.

I wouldn't mind it so much if they were good experiments, but no, they're the dumbest experiments I've ever seen.

Yeah... a giant green bean? Really? How is that better than space exploration, space programs, moon trips, and rocket testing? Her experiments now are just crazy!

She became so connected with science that she became obsessed with it. Not only that, you can see in some episodes she uses her friends as her own lab rats. It's disappointing to see what she has become.

The Newcomers

? SpongeBob Gets Tortured, Especially by Patrick

Yes, this is so true. Patrick should stop getting tortured.

I mean, SpongeBob gets tortured, especially by Patrick.

? Background Graphics Quality vs. Foreground Graphics Quality
The Contenders
SpongeBob and Patrick Act Like Toddlers

SpongeBob mostly acted like a toddler (though not a spoiled one like in the newer episodes). Patrick rarely acted like a toddler in the older episodes (he did act babyish, but he didn't act like a spoiled one).

In the toy store episode, they run and follow signs to a toy store only to find it isn't open the second they find it. They start bawling like babies because it isn't open right when they found it!

I'm so glad that construction worker came in and yelled at them for it (something I'm sure we all wanted to do then).

Overly Detailed Animation

I'd honestly say that the new animation is okay. It can be ridiculous at times, but it's not that bad at others.

Gross-Out Humor

I hate The Splinter. It's disgusting. It makes me cringe watching it. It has other problems, but it's really, really gross.

You mean every season, from 1 to now.

The Splinter, Face Freeze, House Fancy, Pineapple Fever... ENOUGH!

Its Giant Ego

It pains me to think about this. Despite the fact that it's gotten so horrible, it still acts like it's the king of cartoons.

Suicide Joking

I may have dark humor, and I think suicide jokes can be funny if they're not done out of nowhere. But my problem with this is that SpongeBob is a kids' show, and those jokes are just out of place.

This happened in two episodes: One Coarse Meal and Are You Happy Now?

The pre-seasons had some too. Look at Gary Takes a Bath and The Algae's Always Greener.

It's Not Funny

Season 1 to now - it's just not funny.

I used to watch SpongeBob, but now I like the old SpongeBob, not the new episodes.

Unnecessary Specials

The only reason these specials exist is so they can make commercials that tell you some big secret or something is going to be revealed that'll change SpongeBob forever just to fool people into watching it.

Try to count all the times the commercials promised something that they never actually stay true to in the actual special. How many times have they said, "The Krabby Patty formula will finally be revealed"? Every single time they've said this, they never actually do it.

How many more times do the writers think they can pull this trick off? People caught onto it and stopped falling for it ages ago.

Lack of Adult Jokes

In my opinion, no show for kids should have inappropriate jokes. If you think SpongeBob lacks adult jokes, you're wrong. Look at One Coarse Meal and Are You Happy Now?

Now we only get the suicide jokes from One Coarse Meal and Are You Happy Now?, the wiener jokes from Krusty Dogs, and SpongeBob blowing a balloon into the shape of a condom in "The Play's The Thing."

Now it's just a bunch of immature jokes that the writers think are adult jokes.

It No Longer Has Appeal to Adults

It's a kids' show. Why does it have to appeal to adults unless you want to embrace your inner child?

It Lost Its Old Charm

Yeah - no. Kind of, but not really.

Big, big problems!

No Continuation

I'll address the biggest continuity error of them all.

SpongeBob is standing outside the supermarket with a box of baby worms in "Pet or Pests." Larry walks by, and SpongeBob says, "Hey Larry, how's it going?"

Larry responds, "Do I know you?"

Me: What? WHAT!?! You cannot be serious!

In Sportz, which was Season 10, they expect us to believe that SpongeBob and Patrick have never played sports in their life and don't know what it is.

To be fair, the show never really had continuity.

Plays Same Annoying Songs, None of the Old Ones Appear

Skipping to School plays in basically every episode.

SpongeBob Turned Into a Creeper

The friendship between SpongeBob and Squidward has become psychotic. SpongeBob would literally make a scene to attract Squidward. He's basically like the overly attached girlfriend meme.

I don't blame Squidward for wanting SpongeBob to go away. It really feels like SpongeBob is in love with Squidward, and it's really creepy.

Plankton Seems More Like an Hero Now Rather Than Mr. Krabs
Introduces a New Character Every Episode
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