Stupidest Excuses to Make When You're Late

The Top Ten
1 I farted

I farted and I realised that I had to go back to my home to poop and then it went on and on without stopping... You won't understand how much I went through!

2 I forgot what 2 + 2 is

Haha no relation at all!

3 I robbed a bank

If that happened you would be in jail by now

4 I was listening to Justin Bieber

Whoever you're late for is going to drive you the hell out with a pitchfork.

Well nobody likes him

5 I saw flying monkeys

Hey you know anything could be possible when you've been Drinking or High!

6 I saw Uncle Grandpa

Uncle Grandpa and Flying Monkeys don't exist

7 A lama ate my taco and flew away
8 I Took a Trip to England
9 I couldn't find my pants.....
10 Alarm clock didn't work

I sat on my alarm clock

The Contenders
11 I found my wallet but my computer crashed
12 A T-Rex ate my car
13 There was a boy in the girls' bathroom
14 My Sibling Ran Out of Diapers So We Had to Use My Homework to Diaper
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