Worst Kingdoms in Super Mario Odyssey

Super Mario Odyssey is one of the greatest video games of all time! If should defintly buy it if you have a Nintendo Switch! It's such a fun game. But keep in mind. No game is perfect, every game has its flaws and problems. Here are the worst Kingdoms in Super Mario Odyssey.

Also, SPOILERS, obviously.
The Top Ten
Cap Kingdom
Seaside Kingdom

Out of the two water kingdoms in the game, I'm sure many will agree that Seaside is the weaker. Though I still thought it was a great kingdom, it was just too big with too many islands. The boss battle was just rude! You kill an octopus who didn't even do anything to Mario, and then Mario just kills him! Way too unfair!

And also, that stupid volleyball contest! It's pretty much impossible to win! But the atmosphere in this kingdom was pretty awesome! The sunset is beautiful, and it's honestly still a great kingdom!

Snow Kingdom

I'm sure many of you will be angry at me for putting Bowser's Kingdom higher than Snow Kingdom. Don't worry, it was hard for me to choose where this one should go. It has the same problems as Lake Kingdom - the only boss here is Rango, the Broodal.

But let me tell you something: the town is UNDERGROUND! It looks gorgeous! The soundtrack in the town is one of my favorite in the game! The race where you bounce around is really addicting and creative. It's basically an amazing kingdom.

Screw this kingdom and everything about it!

Cloud Kingdom

This is the only area in the game I didn't really like. It's not terrible, but I have a few problems with it. First, it's way too small, and second, you can't collect any moons when you first arrive. Almost all but one moon are held off until the post-game.

And to top it off, this area interrupts your journey to the Metro Kingdom!

This one is too small to be justified being put above some of the other kingdoms. The Ruined Kingdom was small, but way better than this.

Plus, the Ruined Kingdom had one of the best boss fights in the game!

It was visually impressive. What a shame it was used for a boss fight and pretty much nothing else.

Dark Side

This is pretty much the only kingdom I didn't like in the game! I just think it's too hard and not fun! This kingdom took inspiration from the Story Mode in Mario Party: Island Tour, where you have to beat bosses on different floors in a tower. This tower has the Broodals, who happen to be my favorite bosses in the game.

But there are no checkpoints! I can't tell you how many times I've struggled with Topper and Rango, and at the top, you fight MechaBroode - with like, only two life points! It's too hard! And the secret moons aren't any better - way too hard! Darker Side is way better!

Luncheon Kingdom
Ruined Kingdom

This may be an unpopular opinion, but I found this kingdom to be out of place in a Mario game. The boss battle, Lord of Lightning, happens to be one of the most popular bosses in the game. I'll admit, it was creative and one of the best battles in the game, but it felt too much like a Zelda boss.

The atmosphere was beautiful, but it just didn't do it for me. I will admit it's at least okay though. The boss battle does make me like it a bit more.

Darker Side

Darker Side serves as the final level in Super Mario Odyssey. It's like The Perfect Run or Champion's Road from previous games - the final and hardest level in the game.

This is a really fun kingdom! I haven't beaten it yet, sadly - it's so hard - but it is really fun. A fun kingdom overall.

This belongs in a Galaxy game or 3D World, not a true Odyssey kingdom. Also, I think this kingdom was made by a very angry person.

I beat this at least THREE times because of the Glydon skip. Also, I got a life-up heart and answered the final quiz - just saying.

Cascade Kingdom

I would say, out of the mainstream kingdoms, this could be one of the weakest. Sure, the Cloud Kingdom and the Ruined Kingdom are definitely the worst, maybe even the Dark Side, but I feel like this kingdom had too much potential. It was only hyped because of the dinosaur.

Mushroom Kingdom

Ugh, I can already feel the SM64 fans raging at me. Hold on! Before you hate me, let me explain why this is low on my list. I think it's a great kingdom! But seriously, people rank it as #1 or #2? People who think it's the greatest kingdom in the game are nostalgia-blinded! Look, it's a great kingdom and all, but half of the moons are lazy tasks like returning six sheep to a farmer, re-battling bosses, talking to Toads, or just... it's overrated, though still great!

Also, why do the Power Moons look like Stars? It even says you got a moon. It's overrated! But it's still a great kingdom!

The Newcomers

? Sand Kingdom

It's too big and contains too much nothing. It's a chore to navigate.

? Metro Kingdom

Other than the awful jump-rope challenge, everything else was spectacular!

The Contenders
Lost Kingdom

There is no image of the kingdom itself here, but it is VERY average. The instant death and a bird stealing your hat, along with that chase soundtrack? Nah.

But Glydon, the normal soundtrack, and Koopa freerunning? Yes!

When I was in the Lost Kingdom in Super Mario Odyssey, Klepto took Cappy away, and that's where I drew the line. I don't understand why Klepto is in Super Mario Odyssey. I mean, why can't Klepto steal a gun? Klepto would shoot at the wrong thing, and the gun would backfire, killing Klepto in the process.

Bowser's Kingdom

It was very hard to put this on the list. This is perhaps the most creative Bowser's Castle we've seen in the Mario franchise. It's Japanese-themed! Awesome! It also has one of my favorite captures in the game - Pokio! He's a bird that you can use to climb up walls!

It's sad he's only in this kingdom. Also, I liked the twist at the end of the kingdom. I'm sure many of you know what I mean.

It's a creative take on Bowser's castle, but the music reminds me too much of pirates for some reason.

Lake Kingdom

I didn't want to put this here, but I needed ten items, so I had to. This kingdom is gorgeous! One of the most beautiful kingdoms in the game! Just look at all the impressive details! The cool NPCs!

Sadly, it only has ONE boss, and it's a Broodal - Rango. I've noticed that in the kingdoms where you fight Rango, he's the only boss there. That's my biggest problem with this kingdom - there's only one boss, and he's a mid-boss. But aside from that, this kingdom is gorgeous!

Moon Kingdom
Wooded Kingdom
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