Top Ten Worst Mario Kart Wii Items

The Top Ten
1 Blooper Bloopers (Often Referred To Bloobers Until Paper Mario, Though Blooper was in use beforehand) are Squid-Like creatures that are found in the ocean. They made their first appearance in Super Mario Bros., and various kinds of them have appeared in the Mario games since, normally as enemies. Mario Party... read more

Bloopers are terrible because they even don't effect CPU's. And if you're not a CPU, it still is not that good.

2 POW Block
3 Thunder Cloud
4 Fake Item Box

It sucks. Well in the ds version it's alright because it actually looks like a real item block but in the wii version it's obvious! who would even fall for it and it's also useless because what I appreciate about the shells and Bananas is they're not entirely useless you can literally hold onto them in case you get hit by a red shell but nope the fake item block dose not do that, so therefore it's useless.

They WOULD be good if they actually looked like REAL item boxes!

5 Lighting Cloud
6 Banana
7 Bob-Omb Bob-ombs are a species found throughout the Mario series. They are small bomb-shaped beings who can create explosions by detonating themselves or being detonated.
8 Spiny Shell

This item really is horrible and annoying. It doesn't do anything good, it simply drops the player in first down a few places. Useless.

I used to feel bad when I fired them. Not anymore...

9 Green Shell
10 Mushroom
The Contenders
11 Lighting
12 Triple Mushroom
13 Golden Mushroom
14 Mega Mushroom
15 Triple Bananas
16 Triple Green Shells
17 Red Shell
18 Triple Red Shells
19 Star
20 Bullet Bill
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